Two courses will be organized in connection with the migration to MS365: Keep your email tidy and Effective use of email. Each course will be offered multiple times, but for now, only in Norwegian.
Courses (in Norwegian only):
Registration and more information about the courses.
What will happen?
Each person with an email account at UiO will receive an email with information two weeks before the email account is moved to MS365. During the first week after receiving this email, tidying up should be completed. The migration of the account's content will start in the second week, but email can be used as usual. The day before the migration, the account holder will receive an email reminder about what will happen and information to log out of the computer or close the email program at the end of the workday.
When the migration is completed, the account holder will receive an SMS notification with a message and a link to guidelines on how to get started with email again after the migration. For all Windows users with Outlook, simply start the email program as usual. Others should refer to the guides. There will be increased IT support presence in the area on the day(s) the migration is performed..
Almost all email accounts at UiO have been moved (01.01.25). Questions about this may be directed to IT Help.