fourMs Lab Meeting March 3


  • Introduction
    • Introduction of people (if necessary)
    • Agree on agenda
    • Agree on secretary
  • Lab Status
    • Door
    • Cameras
    • Processing computer
    • Demo Lab
  • Audio Updates
    • SSL Converter Installed
      • Play sound on ceiling speakers through RME
      • MADI interface
    • PreAmps for ceiling mics coming soon
  • Live Demonstration
    • Equipment database 
      • Group discussion: Committing to using this for fourMs equipment vs. alternative systems 
        • Example: LabAgenda system with FrontNeuro
  • ??????????????Core Software (for VDI and Processing Computer)
    • ???????QTM, Matlab, Max, Jupyter Notebook, Python 3, ffmpeg, others?
  • fourMs Semester Schedule
  • Misc.

Meeting Minutes

  • Lab Status
    • Have not heard any complaints about door
    • 3 QTM cameras out for repair, timeline unknown
      • No current issues with cameras either crashing or having QDS server errors
    • New processing computer is setup, software being installed
    • Demo lab is mostly up
      • Let Kayla know what else is needed there
      • Will reassess if it needs a booking system
  • Audio Updates
    • Final system will have 4 pathways for sound
      • Canon camera microphones recording sound to QTM
      • Ceiling mics recording sound to QTM (unfinished)
      • Audio computer for recording custom XLR inputs and playback to 24 ceiling speakers
      • BigKnob talkback system for communication between rooms and also plugging in your phone to play music on front speakers
    • Ceiling speakers
      • MOTU is broken and was replaced by SSL
        • Leave SSL settings as is
      • From audio computer, use the SSL for output through the RME soundcard as the MADI outputs to the ceiling speakers
      • Instructions will be put on handbook
    • Preamps partially installed, will soon be connected for testing using the ceiling microphones to record sound as the "line in" audio input in the video mixer ending up in QTM
  • Equipment borrowing
    • Discussion on current available systems or creating a new one
    • Decision is to use the current Utstyr. DB and have Kayla updated and help with loans 
      • All employees can search DB but only Kayla can book
      • Equipment available for loan has a calendar associated with it
      • Kayla will soon update all loans
  • Upcoming events discussed
    • Calendar will be added to each meeting to ensure we all know what else is going on
    • Next lab meeting 21April


Kayla Burnim
Published Dec. 3, 2019 10:55 AM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2022 12:05 PM