Applying for funding for infrastructure funding from the Research Council. Here is what we are asking for:
New Qualisys Camera System
New Suits and Markers
Force Plates (2 portable)
Tobii Pro Glasses w/sync software
Additional Delsys sensors
EEG integration with MoCap
New Soundcard
If there is anything missing from this list let Kayla know ASAP
Next step is to complete a user survey. The email is coming later today and is really important for you to complete this.
Complete by end of work day Monday 04May
There will be zoom office hours for questions
Work from Home
Drive access updated and there are known VDI issues that we are working through
Let Kayla know if there are any new issues or anytime you run into a problem with access or function
There will be a Mattermost group coming soon so Kayla can give quick and easy updates about things like the VDI
Work from home Project Suggestion: Drive Cleanup
If you are looking for something to do....reorganization and cleanup of old data on hf-mocap is a great idea!
Specifically, going through your old data folders and making simple text based meta data. You can follow any of the instructions on the handbook. At the very least adding a short description of the data and a data owner would be needed.
There will be a server cleanup meeting scheduled for mid/late May