The application phase starts with a idea for an application and concludes when the application has been submitted to the funder and you receive either a final notification of refusal or a notification of acceptance that initiates the award phase.
The Faculty of Educational Sciences’ procedures complement the University of Oslo’s guide for research projects.
Project Manager
- Identifies and familiarises themselves with relevant announcements
- Informs management and research support of intentions to apply
- Anchors support for the application initiative among management
- Draws up a project description
- Application budgeting
- Maintains contact with internal and external partners
- Creates an application in the portal
- Anchors support for the application budget among management before the application is submitted
- Submits the application
- In the event of refusal, provides information about the refusal and reviews feedback
Research Adviser
- Identifies relevant calls
- Familiarises themselves with the call
- Assists with consultations concerning interest in applications and establishes contact with applicants
- Assists with anchoring among management
- Assists with proposal development
- Assists the project manager in adding information in the funding portal and quality-assuring the information before submission
- Coordinates information for internal and external partners
- Gathers documentation
- In the event of refusal, assists the project manager in reviewing feedback on the application
Finance officer
- Familiarises themselves with the call
- Assists the project manager and research adviser in contact with the funder in aspects relating to finances
- Convenes budget meeting 1
- Creates a project folder in the shared file area
- Assists the research adviser in obtaining budget information from partners
- Convenes budget meeting 2, as well as further meetings if needed
- Ensures that the proposal budget has been approved by the project owner
- Assists the project manager in adding budget information to the funding portal
The institution (unit or faculty) is the project owner and formal submitter of applications. All applications, large and small, both where we are coordinators and where we are partners, must be approved by management (at unit or faculty level) before they are submitted.
The project manager is responsible for ensuring that support for the project has been granted by the head of unit before an application is submitted.
During the application phase, this takes place in two rounds. First, the project owner must consent to a proposal being developed. Before the application is submitted, the project owner must approve the proposal budget.