Norwegian version of this page

New employee A - Z

Business cards

Business cards for UiO employees

Canteens and coffee shops

See an overview of SiO’s canteens and coffee shops at UiO (

Competence development and training courses

As a new employee, you have the opportunity to attend introductory events. In additon, check out UiO’s options for competence development

Copying, scanning and print-outs

Contact your local IT support for employees.

Digital mailbox

UiO prefers sending you mail via a digital mailbox rather than by ordinary post. A digital mailbox is free of charge, beneficial for the environment and provides you with easy access to official mail. Set up a digital mailbox.

Email and calendar

All UiO employees have their own email address. Learn how to use email and the calendar.

Emergency telephone

In case of fire, accidents and serious incidents call the Security Operation Centre UiO: 22 85 66 66.

Employee benefits, welfare

As a UiO employee you are entitled to a number of employee benefits.

Employee ID card and keys

Everyone employed at UiO for more than three months must have their own employee ID card with their name and photo. The card functions as personal ID and access card to buildings, zones and rooms.


ePhorte is the electronic records management and archive system at UiO. All official correspondance shall be handled through ePhorte.

Events for employees

Check out events specifically for UiO employees in the For employees’ calendar.

Gay perspectives at UiO

At UiO, LHBTQ+ themes are widely researched and taught, see overview. Furthermore, UiO regularly participates in Oslo Pride by marching in the parade and arranging events. This is an expression of UiO's commitment to the fight against prejudice and human rights. Equal opportunities to influence and participate in society regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation and background are important values ??for the University.

Getting around, maps

Find an overview of University buildings, maps, opening hours, parking and instructions on how to het to UiO.


Read about holiday and taking out holiday entitlement at UiO.

HSE and occupational health services

Familiarise yourself with the general guidelines, common tools and procedures that will provide everyone working at UiO with a safe, sound working environment at HSE - Working environment.

The Occupational Health Service (BHT) assists UiO's managers, employees, working environment committees and safety representatives in creating safe, health-promoting workplaces. See BHT's services and how you can contact them (Norwegian).

IT user account and access from home

To access the university's IT services, you need an IT user account with a username and password. You will receive an SMS with your username and instructions to go to and create your password. If you encounter any issues, contact IT Help.

IT services from home and while traveling

Remote Desktop access to your office computer from home is recommended as an easy way to access many of UiO's internal services. For those who do not have access to their own office computer, you can alternatively use UiO's web-based service for applications via UiO's Programkiosk.

Overview of all IT services

You will find an overview of the IT services available to you at UiO in the IT service catalog on UiO's website.

International staff and guests

International staff members, doctoral research fellows and guest researchers can find further practical information on UiO’s support site for international staff and guests.

Meeting rooms

Booking of meeting and lecture rooms (Norwegian)

News, internal information, events

On your personal For employees start page you find central and local UiO news and events for employees. Beyond the pre-defined ones, you can add news and events of your own choice, see user guide.

Opening hours

See the opening hours of the buildings (Norwegian)



With a parking sticker, UiO employees can park in the spaces marked by an A on the university’s grounds. Parking at UiO.

Personal presentation page

All UiO employees have their own personal profile page. See whom you can turn to for help in your unit (Norwegian).

Protection of the environment, waste recycling

Read UiO's far-sighted Environmental and climate change strategy 2018 - 2020 - 2040 and see how you can contribute to its ambitious goals by recycling your waste.

Reporting censurable conditions (whistleblowing)

UiO shall be a safe and open working environment for everyone. If you as a member of staff have discovered censurable conditions that may be detrimental to UiO or to individual persons at UiO, please report them.

Self-service portal

The self-service portal is UiO’s electronic solution for HR and payroll management, in which the employees themselves register personal information, absence and reimbursements for travel and other expenses, as well as viewing their payslips and annual Income statement. The technical-administrative staff members also use the portal to record their daily working hours.

The self-service portal is easy to use. When you have read Get started with the new self-service portal, you are ready to go!

Sideline jobs and owner interests

Employees are obligated to report work performed and offices held in addition to their position at UiO as well as owner interests. About sideline jobs and owner interests and how to report them.

Strategy and annual plans

Strategy 2030 - see UiO's general strategy and the units’ local strategies.

Tax deduction card

UiO retrieves tax information directly from the Norwegian Tax Administration, thus eliminating your need to hand in a tax deduction card.

If you have moved to Norway only recently, you need to apply for a tax card. Until the Norwegian Tax Administration has provided you with a tax deduction card, 50 % in taxes will be deducted from all taxable payments made to you by UiO.

Teaching obligation

Academic staff members have a teaching obligation. The number of mandatory hours of teaching per semester varies in accordance with your type of position. Read more about work duty account for academic employees.

Templates and graphical profile

Design manual, PowerPoint templates etc.


UiO is dedicated to acting as environmentally friendly and cost-effective as possible. Check UiO's green travel tips, guidelines for business travel and routines for booking and settling travel.

UiO's facilities

The UiO is spread over six areas in Oslo. Get an overview.

University Board

About The University Board

Working hours

Read more about working hours, work duty account (arbeidspliktregnskap), recording of working hours, days off.

Published Nov. 30, 2015 12:53 PM - Last modified Sep. 10, 2024 11:12 AM