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News - Page 6

Published Aug. 26, 2020 11:05 AM

Budget cuts in the Life Science Building project will have serious consequences for UiO and for Norway's investment in knowledge and innovation. The building is pivotal to the further development and modernisation of the University of Oslo, and to the development of the innovation district Oslo Science City.

Published May 8, 2020 4:00 PM

In the course of next week, UiO will allow for more students and staff to gain access to campus, following new signals from the Ministry of Education and Research, and changes in the infection control rules. Anyone returning to campus must complete a 15-minute infection prevention course.

Published May 8, 2020 2:59 PM

We are heading towards a reopened university but autumn will present some challenges. Over the last few days, an increasing number of UiO's partner universities in Europe and the rest of the world have announced that next semester they will not send out nor receive exchange students from institutions in other countries.

Published Apr. 21, 2020 9:11 AM

Norwegian health authorities warn that there will likely be various forms of corona measures in place throughout 2020. This will affect how many people can gather in groups. The University of Oslo is therefore planning for digital teaching in fall as well.

Published Apr. 3, 2020 3:35 PM

Inven2 is organizing an exceptional idea competition due to the ongoing pandemic. Are you a student or employee at the University of Oslo or in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority and have a good idea for an innovative product or service? Then you can take part in the Idea Prize and win NOK 100,000 as well as advice and help to take the idea to market.

Published Mar. 19, 2020 4:57 PM

Health science students at UiO are a valuable resource in the current situation faced by our healthcare system. Earlier this week, the Directorate of Health asked all qualified personnel to sign up, and now the students can also be contacted directly to work as reserve staff in the national health service.

Published Feb. 20, 2020 11:01 AM

Through knowledge, responsibility and commitment we shall contribute to a sustainable future.

We have shaped society for over 200 years and are a leading European university. For the next ten years, the University will promote independent, pioneering and long-term research and offer outstanding education. We will strengthen the dialogue with the outside world and contribute to the use of knowledge.