Fifteen Honorary Doctors from nine different countries were supposed to receive their degrees at UiO?s Annual Celebration on 2 September 2020. This is now postponed until the Annual Celebration 2021.
Both travel restrictions and uncertainty as to how large groups of people we will be allowed to gather, has led us to postpone. The Honorary Doctors have all received the sad, but probably expected news, said Svein Stølen, Rector at the University of Oslo.
A new type of Annual Celebration
This year there will be no traditional Annual Celebration 2020 in the University Aula, though UiO?s five prices – for the best master?s theses on sustainability and H.R.H. the King of Norway?s gold medal – will be presented in autumn.
- There will be a celebration of UiO?s annual milestone on 2 September but in different ways than we are used to. Among other things there will be digital mini-lectures with UiO price winners and recipients of UiO?s Sustainability Price for the best master?s theses, said St?len.
Keep updated on the Annual celebrations.
Conferment of Doctoral Degrees
– The Doctoral Degrees that should have been conferred this spring are now postponed until late autumn. It is still uncertain whether the conferment of Doctoral Degrees in September can be carried out, said St?len.
Further information about this will be conveyed directly to the Doctoral Candidates in question and posted on the Doctoral Degrees event page (in Norwegian).