On 12 June, the government updated its guidelines and opened universities as of 15 June – provided infection control routines are maintained. The government has made a contingency plan in case of increased corona infection (regjeringen.no) (Norwegian).
UiO has developed an infection prevention guide that is updated in accordance with recommendations from the authorities.
A reopened university
The university will be open but must also consider current rules of infection control pertaining to a social distancing of 1 meter and requirements linked to the tracking of infection. This entails reduced capacity in seminar rooms and auditoriums.
–We are committed to ensuring that all students are offered physical education on campus. The faculties are arranging for this as far as possible, and students are encouraged to come to campus. We are putting in place a clear connection between student sponsorships and teaching, and the students will be divided into groups that they will remain in during autumn semester. Students still need to book seats in reading rooms. Overall, we believe that we are contributing to the requirements for infection detection and tracking set by the health services, said Rector Svein Stølen.
Reading rooms
Seats in reading rooms in Georg Sverdrups hus, marked for booking in TP, will be kept open in July, while Eilert Sundts hus and Sophus Bugge will be closed as of 26 June. On 3 August, reading rooms in Eilert Sundts hus and Sophus Bugge will open. Master students reading rooms are organised by individual faculties according to infection prevention rules.
As of August, reading rooms in Georg Sverdrups hus will be used for teaching. We are looking into the possibility of providing more reading room seats or premises for student learning when in colloquium or working on group assignments.
We facilitate so that anti-bac is available for you to protect yourself and to wipe off surfaces, equipment and the like. Extra cleaning is carried out in common areas and standard cleaning on a daily basis in premises for teaching as well as auditoriums. Work is being done to develop a good standard for this, see updated information (Norwegian).
Student cellars and pubs to reopen
Student pubs and cellars will open again in connection with the start of studies, also adhering to the current infection control regulations.
Working at home or in the office
UiO will make accommodations to ensure that as many employees as possible are able to come back to work physically, in order to uphold teaching and research at the university. This must be done according to UiO's infection prevention guide.
Please consult the guidelines for remote work at UiO for information on the policies regarding remote work (working from home). These guidelines apply for remote work both during the corona pandemic as well as during normal circumstances.
It is the immediate manager’s responsibility to consider whether an employee can be at work physically or if they should work remotely. This must be done in consultation with said employee, and according to UiO's infection prevention guide.