The University of Oslo is opening reading rooms, libraries and buildings for students from 18 February.
News about the corona situation - Page 2
The government allows some students who need skills training or access to experiments back on campus, to prevent them for being delayed in their education, to attend physically from 3 February for an initial period until 10 February.
Two international students at the Faculty of Social Sciences have been confirmed infected with Covid-19.
The government will implement new infection control measures from 23 January at 12.00. Teaching will be digital for all students, and the campus is closed to students until 31 January 2021.
All new students will be welcomed as planned, however all other lectures run digitally until 18 January 2021.
In week 48, two students from the Faculty of Medicine were reported infected with Covid-19. The students have not been present at UiO in the time before symptom onset or test result.
Two students at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine, respectively, have been infected with Covid-19 this week.
The University of Oslo was informed in week 46 that two persons have been confirmed infected with Covid-19.
The spread of infection in Oslo is at a high level, and today the City Council has introduced a social closure of the capital. UiO remains open, but physical activities will be restricted. Libraries and reading rooms at UiO will stay open, but events and activities have to be cancelled.
The new restrictions will take effect on Monday 9 November at 24.00, initially lasting for three weeks.
During week 44, the University of Oslo has been notified of three cases of confirmed Covid-19 at the Faculty of medicine.
The City Council of Oslo is introducing new measures against the infection and spread of Covid-19 as of 29 October at 12 noon. – UiO is still open, but we are becoming a bit more restrictive. UiO has facilitated for a lot of digital teaching, but we believe that some physical teaching is important both educationally, professionally-socially, and mentally, says Rector Svein St?len.
During week 41, the University of Oslo has been notified of at least 10 cases of confirmed Covid-19.
During week 39, the University of Oslo has been notified of three cases of confirmed Covid-19 relating to three students.
During week 36 and 37, the University of Oslo has been notified of six cases of confirmed Covid-19 relating to four students and two employees.
Today, the government issued a recommendation on the use of face masks amongst others on public transport in Oslo and to and from Oslo. Face masks are also recommended in special situations where there is close contact with other people.
The government updated the guidelines for infection prevention on Friday 7 August 2020. The guidelines are largely in accordance with UiO’s existing plans for the start of semester.
The university has made plans for the start of studies and teaching in autumn 2020. There will be a mix of digital and physical offerings, and students will be well received in buddy groups as well as groups for teaching.
Note: Different information applies to new international students!
Many international students have found themselves in a difficult financial situation as a result of the corona crisis. The University of Oslo has now established an emergency fund to assist them.
In the course of next week, UiO will allow for more students and staff to gain access to campus, following new signals from the Ministry of Education and Research, and changes in the infection control rules. Anyone returning to campus must complete a 15-minute infection prevention course.
We are heading towards a reopened university but autumn will present some challenges. Over the last few days, an increasing number of UiO's partner universities in Europe and the rest of the world have announced that next semester they will not send out nor receive exchange students from institutions in other countries.
Due to the corona situation, the University of Oslo is postponing the conferment of Honorary Doctoral Degrees supposed to take place at the Annual Celebration 2020 on 2 September as well as the conferment of Doctoral Degrees this spring
Vi har v?rt gjennom noen sv?rt vanskelige uker. Jeg vil takke alle p? det varmeste for imponerende innsats, mye t?lmodighet og sterk solidaritet. Vi er n? p? vei inn i en ny ?normalisert? hverdag, og da er det p? sin plass ? se fremover mot lysere tider og med h?p i blikket.
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We have been through some very difficult weeks. I want to extend my warmest thanks for all of your impressive efforts, patience and strong solidarity. We are now moving towards a “normalised” everyday life, and that makes it appropriate to look ahead to brighter times with hope in our eyes.
Norwegian health authorities warn that there will likely be various forms of corona measures in place throughout 2020. This will affect how many people can gather in groups. The University of Oslo is therefore planning for digital teaching in fall as well.
“Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.”….
Robert Frost, Mending Wall
Inven2 is organizing an exceptional idea competition due to the ongoing pandemic. Are you a student or employee at the University of Oslo or in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority and have a good idea for an innovative product or service? Then you can take part in the Idea Prize and win NOK 100,000 as well as advice and help to take the idea to market.