Effects of pollution on the microbiota in sediment-dwelling organisms |
25. mai 2020 |
Effekter av bakken?rt ozon p? vegetasjon |
24. sep. 2018 |
Effekter av luftforurensningspartikler p? neuroutvikling |
3. sep. 2023 |
Effekter av muggsoppgiften DON p? human tarm |
7. apr. 2021 |
Ensuring the Environmental Sustainability of Production of Primary Aluminium (ESPIAL): The Marine Environment |
19. juni 2019 |
Epigenetic regulation in cancer |
7. aug. 2020 |
Exploration of community dynamics of protists during the autumn season through metabarcoding |
11. juni 2023 |
Exploring molecular consequences of novel mutations identified in patients with severe neurological diseases |
18. aug. 2023 |
Friend or foe: the nature of the interaction between Labyrinthulomycetes and marine diatoms |
11. apr. 2023 |
Genetiske forskjeller mellom storsalamander og sm?salamander i urbane og rurale landskapsomr?der |
14. aug. 2023 |
Hazard assessment of nanoplastic particles mixed with adenovirus/rhinovirus |
8. sep. 2021 |
Hazard assessment of nanoplastic particles mixed with bacteria |
7. sep. 2021 |
Hazard assessment of nanoplastic particles mixed with fungi |
8. sep. 2021 |
Hazard characterization of chemicals and particles in air samples |
8. sep. 2021 |
History and microbial ecology of microplastic deposition in the Arctic deep-sea sediment |
7. juni 2023 |
How is autophagy turned off in a multicellular organism? |
7. aug. 2020 |
Identification of clock and memory genes controlling autophagy in response to cyclic environmental nutritional changes in yeast |
7. aug. 2020 |
Identify and assess mechanisms of genomic amplifications of liposarcoma |
30. juli 2020 |
Investigating the phytoplankton community dynamics of the Oslofjord through common garden experiments |
27. juni 2023 |
Leversf?roider fra fisk til ? studere metabolisme og toksisitet |
7. apr. 2021 |
Master-projects on fish population dynamics |
4. feb. 2020 |
Masteroppgave i humantoksikologi ved Folkehelseinstituttet.html |
8. sep. 2021 |
Masteroppgave om kartlegging av naturtyper (Naturhistorisk museum) |
5. juni 2023 |
MHC and odour-based mate choice |
13. aug. 2020 |
Mining public ocean metagenomes to evaluate the potential for resilience, adaptation, or loss of microbial functions to changing environmental conditions |
5. juli 2022 |