STV9020B – Statistical Analysis

Course content

Political scientists often pose questions that necessitate analysis of data with particular “complicating” features. Examples are:

  • How does EU membership affect foreign direct investment in the short- and long-term (which requires repeated observations for different countries over time)?
  • Do particular parliamentary institutions affect the number of article changes made to a government bill during the legislative process (which requires count data on number of changes to a particular bill)?
  • Does engaging in international conflict increase or decrease the survival chances of autocratic regimes (which require data on the duration of autocratic regimes)? This course provides a set of tools suitable for analyzing this kind of data and questions.

The course is split in three.

  1. time series and panel data
  2.  models that are commonly used for analyzing qualitative or countable dependent variables
  3. survival models, suitable for analyzing the duration of different phenomena

In addition, the course addresses how to interpret and present results to the general audience.

Learning outcome


Students will:

  • know different types of data structures and types of dependent variables, including time-series data, panel data, count data, censored data, and duration data
  • know how to address issues of autocorrelation in time series and panel data
  • know the Random Effects and Fixed Effects models, and their benefits and drawbacks in different situations
  • know of autoregressive and first-differenced models, and how to employ the time dimension to better address issues of (reverse) causality, e.g. through lagging or through conducting simple Granger tests
  • know how to estimate, evaluate and graphically present results from interaction effects
  • know how to use simple simulation tools to interpret and present results
  • know how to properly estimate, evaluate and interpret results from various models of discrete choices and outcomes
  • know the particular challenges associated with analyzing limited dependent variables and count outcomes
  • know the Poisson and Negative Binomial models, and their benefits and drawbacks in different situations
  • know the challenges associated with statistically analyzing the duration of events
  • know how to transform standard (e.g. country-year) data sets into a duration format
  • know simple parametric and the standard Cox semi-parametric duration/survival models
  • obtain a good grasp of the benefits and drawbacks various statistical models, and in which situations the different models are more and less appropriate;
  • learn how to properly present statistical material visually in tables and figures.


Students will:

  • be able to critically read and evaluate existing statistical studies in political science;
  • be able to handle data sets using R;
  • be able to apply the various statistical models mentioned above, and learn how to properly test hypotheses, interpret results, and draw careful conclusions;
  • be able to replicate statistical studies in political science, and to conduct independent statistical studies.


Students will:

  • enhance their capabilities in carrying out thorough, independent and critical analysis of complex questions;
  • enhance their capabilities in critically evaluating empirical research
  • enhance their understanding of various elements of the scientific process, including aspects of the relation between theory and empirical evidence and between concepts and measures.


This course is a combinded Master's and PhD course.

PhD candidates from UiO: Apply for the course in StudentWeb
Other PhD candidates: Application form

Application deadline: 1 October 2017


Formal prerequisite knowledge

STV4020A – 澳门葡京手机版app下载smetode og statistikk (discontinued) or courses with eqiuvalent learning outcomes in OLS regression, logistic regression and a statistical package (such as SPSS or R).

Overlapping courses

6 credits overlap with STV9025 – Quantitative political science (discontinued)


Lectures and computer classes.


Essay (6-8000 Words)


Language of examination

You submit your response in English or Norwegian.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.

Facts about this course

Every autumn
Every autumn
Teaching language