
Published Dec. 8, 2009 3:16 PM

Update: Someone will be available for questions tomorrow Wednesday after lunch too.

Published Dec. 7, 2009 9:21 AM


  • There will be at least one mathematician available today and before lunch on Wednesday.
  • There might be someone available also tomorrow and Wednesday after lunch; I'll keep you posted.
  • If anyone still wants to submit a term paper (or did so during the week-end): Please leave me an e-mail, and I'll see what I can do. (The easiest for me would be if you could scan it and e-mail me, but I don't assume that everyone has a scanner.)


  • Exam is not the same room for all: it is Lesesal E for 4120 candidates and Lesesal F for 3120 candidates.
  • Exam is "open book". You may bring any written and printed material (not only the course textbook!). Pocket calculators are also allowed.
  • Write legibly. The exam committee cannot just assume that you are right, the burden of proof is on you.
  • Use ge...
Published Dec. 3, 2009 1:26 PM

Due to illness, I will not be as available for your questions as I would have wanted to, and as of now I do not know when I will be back.

If I am not in my office, you may try Knut Syds?ter @ room 1149 or Arne Str?m @ 1119.

I am still somewhat available on e-mail, but not 24/7. Certainly less these days.

Published Nov. 30, 2009 12:00 PM

  • Solutions and a few remarks on the term paper problem set now available.
  • You can pick up your term papers at the reception.
  • You can still submit in the envelope on my door. If you want to be notified when I'm done, mark the front matter with "notification to [your email address]".
  • I've had no requests for a review lecture today, and I am stil somewhat reduced, so there will be none. Feel free to drop by my office from 1615 with any questions if you feel cheated, though.

Published Nov. 25, 2009 9:55 AM

Contrary to what posted half an hour ago:

There will be seminars today. (Knut Syds?ter kindly steps in on short notice.)

Published Nov. 19, 2009 12:23 AM

On lectures/seminars, term paper and the catching-Nils's-errors tokens:


  • We completed the material this yesterday.
  • Monday's lecture will be some reviews and hints. It may not fill two hours.
  • Due to conflict between Monday's lecture and an ECON exam, I'll give the same lecture on Tuesday; three students have requested this, and unless there are any others, it will be in my office; others interested, please notify me by e-mail.


  • The last ordinary seminar was today.
  • Next Wednesday: One on the term paper. Usual time, and probably usual place -- but please keep an eye on these web sites for possible changes.

Term paper:

  • Clarification: If submitted within Friday (reception 12th floor), you will have it back on Wednesday.
  • I will put up an enevelope on my office door (1243), where you can submit, but please...
Published Nov. 13, 2009 5:20 PM

  • An update of the lecture plan is posted.
  • Problems for November 18 are available.
  • Solutions for the leftovers for November 4 available.

Published Nov. 9, 2009 7:43 PM

Re the Nov 4 messages with suggestions:

I understand that there are ECON exams both on the 23rd, te 24th and the 30th. My suggestions are therefore:

  • to complete nonlinear programming by 1st hour tomorrow
  • second hour will be either Taylor's formula or homogeneous/homothetical functions
  • lectures will be at least "nearly complete" by Tue 17th.
  • the rest + a review lecture will be scheduled for 23rd and/or 24th (but these lectures will be "identical"). Looks like I have to give both, as there are exams both days.
  • Nov 30th: I will be available, and I will book a room.
  • There will be a seminar Wednesday 25th (ordinary seminar hours) covering the voluntary term paper

If there are objections to the above, you may either mail me or the contact students by today, or speak up at the beginning of tomorrow's lecture.

Re the voluntary term pa...

Published Nov. 4, 2009 5:33 PM

Lots of messages and suggestions. Please read:

First, problems for November 11th available.

Then, the remaining teaching schedule:

  • I have by mistake put up one more lecture than intended (the mistake is due to the September 28th lecture missing from the schedule, and then I used that document to count). I will try to cut down so that I have time for some review on Nov. 23rd, but since I have "promised" you a lecture on the 30th, you can have it if you want. So you have the best of two worlds here; I cut down on the material to be covered, and will be available nevertheless. Suggestion: You post requests through the contact students by, say, the 23rd. If nothing requested, then 30th will be canceled.

  • Voluntary term paper: Suggestion: Posted next week, and reviewed in a promised extraordinary seminar (either Wednesday 25th, seminar time or Tuesday 24th, lecture time). If you submit by Friday 20th then you s...
Published Oct. 27, 2009 6:22 PM

Problems for November 4th now available

Published Oct. 22, 2009 3:25 PM

Problems for October 28 available. (28, 61, 63 and 92.)

Published Oct. 9, 2009 11:08 PM

  • Problems for October 21 available.
  • Remember, there are no lectures nor seminars in this course 12th--14th.

Published Oct. 6, 2009 6:01 PM

  • Oops, an error from today's lecture: The determinant in the last example is wrong, should be 5u^2 * (1-u), so that the other zero is u=1 (not 5/6).
  • At tomorrow's seminar, I suppose that a lot of calculations of determinants will be skipped in order to make room for more of the applications.
  • Problems for the teaching-free next week now posted

Published Oct. 4, 2009 3:47 AM

  • Sorry for the delay in announcing problems for Wednesday
  • Solutions for the canceled Sep 30 seminar will be posted.
  • The Sep 30 seminar will not be re-scheduled; rather, there will be one at the end of the semester on the 'term paper' or another problem set.
  • There will be problems posted to keep you busy through the teaching-free week too.

Published Sep. 30, 2009 12:09 PM

The seminar with Eric N?vdal Wednesday September 30th kl.17.15-19.00 is cancelled due to illness

Published Sep. 27, 2009 8:51 PM

Yes there will be a lecture tomorrow. (My apologies for the missing line in the schedule, and thank you to the student who notified me.)

Published Sep. 25, 2009 9:57 AM

  • Problems for September 30 now up, sorry for the delay.
  • Solutions to 43 and 97 should be available by today.

Published Sep. 17, 2009 5:08 PM

Correction: Problem 111 already given, please do 109 instead.

Published Sep. 16, 2009 2:47 PM

  • Problems for Wednesday 23rd now available.

  • Would more comprehensive solutions to earlier problems be helpful? If so, please let me know.

Published Sep. 10, 2009 2:12 AM

Updated information (obsoletes earlier message of 09.09.2009):

  • Seminar problems for next week available.
  • As mentioned in the now-deleted message, exam problem 81 was given by mistake.
  • But contrary to that message: The solution is correct for the latter integral. Those who collect tokens for catching my mistakes: you have now competition from the academic staff ;-)
  • The contact students can be reached at .

Published Sep. 3, 2009 3:35 PM

  • Seminar problems for next week available

  • I got the wrong e-mail address for one contact student. Will the three of you please check your inboxes and mail me if you have not received a message?

Published Aug. 26, 2009 12:09 PM

  • Seminar 3 (the one on Thursdays) is cancelled. Those affected will have to choose one of the two others.

  • Seminar problems now available.

  • My consultation hours: Mondays 1215--1400. (Not Wednesday, as I suggested earlier.) But feel free to ask for an appointment, or just knock on my door (no guarantee that I'll be there, but fairly good chances to get assistance :) ).

Published July 27, 2009 1:47 PM

NOTE! First lecture is Monday 17th, despite this being put up as "Lecture 2".

That is, first "Lecture 2" is before first "Lecture 1". Confusing, yes.

Published July 3, 2009 3:38 PM

Welcome to the course.

A preliminary remark: The evaluation of the spring 2008 version (taught by myself) indicates that the students were divided approximately 50--50 on whether the workload is too heavy or not. As the course content is more or less set, and the fall semester is more compact than the spring semester (which was evaluated), it is only fair to indicate that quite a few students will have to be prepared for some hard work in this course.

Since spring 2008, the compulsory term papers have been removed. Compensatory means (e.g. a voluntary term paper) will be considered and discussed at the beginning of the course.

-- Nils