AVAILABILITY: There will be at …


  • There will be at least one mathematician available today and before lunch on Wednesday.
  • There might be someone available also tomorrow and Wednesday after lunch; I'll keep you posted.
  • If anyone still wants to submit a term paper (or did so during the week-end): Please leave me an e-mail, and I'll see what I can do. (The easiest for me would be if you could scan it and e-mail me, but I don't assume that everyone has a scanner.)


  • Exam is not the same room for all: it is Lesesal E for 4120 candidates and Lesesal F for 3120 candidates.
  • Exam is "open book". You may bring any written and printed material (not only the course textbook!). Pocket calculators are also allowed.
  • Write legibly. The exam committee cannot just assume that you are right, the burden of proof is on you.
  • Use generous spacing. Not only for readability, but also in case you need to replace or amend a part -- it is easier to replace a page, and it is easier to insert text if there is space. (If you want to save a tree, I'd suggest you use less wrapping for Xmas presents instead).

Published Dec. 7, 2009 9:21 AM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2009 3:17 PM