Here you find corrections to two of the exercises that I solved (or at least tried to solve) last Monday.
Here you find solutions to two left-over exercises....the Margrabe-exericse and the mandary additional exercise.
Now all the mandatory assigments have been corrected, and everyone who delivered can now collect them in the mailboxes on the 7th floor.
All the mandatory assignments handed in last week are now corrected, and passed/failed is registered on the devilry-system. You can find your assignments in the post-boxes on the 7th floor. Note that I may have by mistake swapped you first and last name, so if you don't find your corrected assignment in the right shelf alphabetically by last name, search by your first name.....:-) Also, please notify me by email if there are some mistakes, or if you have passed mandatory assignments previous semesters and did not have to this semester.
Those who failed can hand in their corrected mandatory assignment for re-evaluation by THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14. Deadline is 14.30. I have marked on your assignments what is required in order to pass. You will have to do the additional exercise!
If you are interested in the story behind LTCM (Long Term Capital Management), then read one or both of the books
* When Genius Failed, by Roger Lowenstein
* Inventing money, by Nicolas Dunbar
For a highly readable story of the recent financial crisis, I recommend to read "Big Short" by Michael Lewis.
All three books are available at amazon, for example.
The compulsory exercise can be downloaded here.
Note that the deadline for handing in the compulsory exercise is Thursday 31. October, 2013, at 14.30. All who wants to do the exam in STK4510 must pass the compulsory exercise.
Monday Sept30 and Tuesday Oct1 there will be no teaching.
Note that Tuesday Sept 17 the lecture room is B70....
Akademika has got confirmation from Springer Verlag that the books for this course have been sent August 15. They should be available soon. The problem is Springer Verlag, apparently, being slow in processing orders.
Exercises for the week 36 (2-3 Sept)
Please note the lecture room on Monday, Aud 4 on VB!
We start the first lecture on Tuesday August 27. There will be no lectures on Monday August 19, Tuesday August 20 and Monday August 26!