NB ! In the week …

NB ! In the week 24.-28. of October Ruediger Kiesel from University of Essen (and Prof II at CMA) will organize a trading game. He will bring with him virtual energy market, where teams can compete in running power plants and operating in the energy market (taking into acocunt fuel costs, co-emission fees etc....). The game is provided by a professional software developer, and sold to companies for training purposes. Those who have tied it, says it is really fin and realistic.

All master and PhD students (and other interested) are encouraged to join in this game. Please register yourself by an email to Fred Espen Benth (fredb@math.uio.no) asap. We need to have an approximate number of interested participants to organize the logistics.

Published Sep. 23, 2011 11:00 AM - Last modified Oct. 5, 2012 5:13 PM