Here are solutions to the exam problems.
I am wishing all STK4900/9900-students a well deserved Christmas break and all the best for the New Year! ?rnulf
At the written exam, the students should bring an approved calculator and the collection of formulas. (You should print out a new copy so that you are sure to get a version where the typo in C.9 has been corrected.)
Pages 494-495 on "A modified approach" has been omitted from the curriculum for section 9.4. A typo in the degrees of freedom in C.9 in the collection of formulas has been corrected.
A collection of formulas is given here . You are allowed to use this at the written exam Friday December 18th (but you are not allowed to write anything yourself in the collection of formulas).
Some theoretical problems are given here . It is useful to work through these problems as a part of the preparation for the written exam.
The final curriculum is now given under Syllabus/achievement requirements .
I have been made aware of a problem with exercise 9.18, question b. With p=4 variables and m=2 factors, it is not possible to find the maximum likelihood solution [cf. formula (9-37) which gives negative "degrees of freedom" for this situation]. Further in exercise 9.19, question e should be omitted.
Friday 13 November, there will only be one hour of lectures, namely 10.15-11.00 (and hence there will be no lectures 11.15-12.00). This is due to a collision with a Nordic network course. However, part of the exercise class 13.15-14.00 may be used for lectures
As informed earlier, the exam in STK4040/9040 will consist of two parts: a project exam and a written exam. The project exam will be handed out Friday December 4th and have deadline Monday December 14th. The written exam is scheduled for Friday December 18th.
The supplementary exercises S15 and S16 for week 45 are of a similar type as the project exam you will get in December (together with the written exam). If you want to, you may hand these exercises in to get feedback on your work. Deadline: 11 am Friday November 6th.
The last 20 minutes of the lecture time Friday 30 October will be used to a small evaluation of the course (with the student representatives in charge of the discussion).
There will be no exercise class Friday 16 October 13.15-14.00. The exercises given to week 42 will be discussed in the exercise class Friday 23 October 13.15-14.00.
?yvind Bleka (oyvble at and Fredrik Rangnes (fredrir at have been elected as student representatives for the course.
At the lectures August 11th we will elect 1 or 2 student representatives for the course. See here for details.
The exam in STK 4040 will consist of a project paper followed by a written exam, see the course descritption for further information.
The first day of teaching is Friday August 28th. This day there will be lectures 10.15-12 and 13.15-14 in seminar room B81, 8th floor, Niels Henrik Abel's house ("the mathematics building").