Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
20.05.2006 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Introduksjon til Finite Element? | KursinnholdKapittel 1 inneholder obligatorisk ?ving 1. L?sningsforslag til ?ving 1.Course contentChapter1 contains mandatory assignment 1.? |
27.08.2006 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Fundamentals and example using Direct Stiffness method for bar elements? | Kapittel 2 inneholder ?ving 2. Chapter 2 contains assignment 2.Suggested solution to exercise 2.? |
03.09.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | We will solve a typical frame problem using FEM? | Kapittel 3 inneholder ?ving 3.FEMLAB gir en kort innf?ring i bruk av COMSOL Multiphysics. Chapter 3 contains assignment 3. FEMLAB is a short introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics. Suggested solution to exercise 3.? |
10.09.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Continuum mechanics - Strong and weak formulations. Boundary conditions? | Kapittel 4 inneholder ?ving 4(Chapter 4 contains exercise 4)(Suggested solution to exercise 4.)? |
17.09.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Potential energy on discrete form. Convergence requirements. Membrane elements? | Chapter 5 Contains assignment 5 (which is mandatory assignment 2)? |
08.10.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Summary, repetition and exercises? | We sum up the most important learning points from chapters 2 to 5. We finish the work on chapter 5 also.In exercise class we will go through exercises given from previous lectures, but you will also be given access to more exapmles and exercises from other sources.? |
15.10.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Membrane example. Solid elements and axisymmetric approximations? | (Chapter 6 contains exercise 6.)(Suggested solution to exercise 6.)? |
22.10.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Trusses and beams in a finite element disguise? | Chapter 7 constains exercise 7. Exercise 7.3 is mandatory assignment 3.(Suggested solution to exercise 7.)? |
29.10.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Interpolasjon. Naturlige koordinater. H?yereordens elementer. (Interpolation. Natural coordinates. Higher order elements.) ? | Kapittel 8 inneholder ?ving 8.L?sningsforslag til ?ving 8.Chapter 8 contains exercise 8.(Suggested solution to exercise 8.)? |
05.11.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Geometrisk avbildning og skjeve elementer. Numerisk integrasjon. H?yereordens elementer. (Geometric mapping. Numerical quadrature. Higher order elements.) ? | Kapittel 9 inneholder ?ving 9. ?ving 9 utgj?r obligatorisk ?ving 4 og 5.Chapter 9 contains exercise 9. Exercise 9 is mandatory assignment 4 and 5.(Suggested solution to exercise 9.)? |
12.11.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Assemblering av systemmatriser. Generelle bi-betingelser (randkrav). Statisk kondensering. Superelement/substruktur teknikk. (Assembling system relations. Constraint equations. Static condensation. Superelement techniques.) ? | Kapittel 10 inneholder ?ving 10.L?sningsforslag til ?ving 10.Chapter 10 contains exercise 10.(Suggested solution? |
26.11.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | Summary, repetitions and exercises. We go through the most central aspects of the course, and recap on the more challenging issues? | ? |
10.12.2009 | Knut Vedeld? | B70? | We go through selected exam exercises from previously given exams? | Eksamen 1998L?sning eksamen 1998 eller L1298.pdf Eksamen 1999L?sning eksamen 1999 eller L1299.pdf Eksamen 2003L?sning eksamen 2003Eksamen 2004 med l?sningEksamen 2005 med l?sningEksamen 2006 med l?sningEksamen 2007 med l?sning? |
Published Aug. 25, 2009 4:21 PM
- Last modified Dec. 1, 2009 1:05 AM