Solutions to 2006 and 2007 exams are now uploaded - see under "Solutions".
Assignment 3 is now on the website. Deadline 12.15 on 13 May.
Revised version of Assignment no. 2 is now on the website. Plate dimensions are corrected.
Correction: Deadline for Assignment 1 is Tuesday 11-03-2008 at 1500.
Assignment-1 has been published and should be handed in at the Mathematics Institute expedition ( floor) within Tuesday 15-03-2008 at 1500. This assignment is mandatory!!!
Deadlines for the mandatory assignments will be published within 24 hours on the page "teaching - time and place" to the left. For rules regarding mandatory assignments, look here . To see if your assignments are approved, check here (use your regular UiO username/password.)
All students requiring English translations of their exam papers must report this using "StudentWeb" before February 1st.
Det vil ikke bli forelesninger/?vinger tirsdag 15. januar. F?rste forelesning/?ving vil bli tirsdag 22. januar.
Lectures/exercises on tuesday 15th of January are cancelled. The first lecture/exercise will be on Tuesday 22nd of January.