
Publisert 10. mai 2010 20:57

EXAM: The oral exam will be on Thursday June 10, starting 10 a.m.

EKSAMEN: Dato for muntlig eksamen er torsdag 10. juni, fra kl. 10:00.

Publisert 28. mars 2010 13:07

Comment on E 4.2.5. Every linear surjection from a topological vector space onto complex n-space C^n is open. However, this result does not apply to the map of the hint: The character space is no vector space.

Publisert 13. mars 2010 17:29

Comments on E 2.5.5 (b).

The result of this exercise holds only for "sufficiently regular" measures, such as Lebesgue measure on Euclidean space R^n. Otherwise counter examples can easily be constructed. Let for instance c be counting measure on the sigma algebra S generated by two disjoint singletons {x} and {y} in X={x,y}. Thus S={?,X,{x},{y}}. Then the characteristic function f of {x} (and of {y}) is an extreme point on the closed unit ball B of L^1. Show this!

The same argument applies to the counting measure on the (infinite) sigma algebra of all subsets of a set of any countable collection of distinct points, X={x(1),...,x(n),...}. The characteristic function of each one-point set {x(k)} ( 1≤k ) is an extreme point in the closed unit ball of L^1. Other examples are obtained whenever there is a point x in X such that the set {x} has positive measure.

Publisert 21. feb. 2010 16:14

Solution to exercise E2.4.7

(Click on picture for larger format)

Publisert 28. jan. 2010 20:06


Starting the coming week, our new (and I hope final) schedule will be:

Wednesday 1415-1600, B63 (lecture)

Friday 1415-1600, B62 (lecture and problem session)

Consequently, there will be no lecture on Monday February 1.

Publisert 18. jan. 2010 16:35


Starting Monday January 25, the new time schedule will be:

Monday 1015-1200, B62 (lecture)

Wednesday 1415-1600, B63 (lecture and problem session)

Publisert 11. jan. 2010 11:00

Welcome to MAT 4350!

We start the course on Monday January 18 with Section 2.2 in the book Analysis Now, by G. K. Pedersen.

We will also discuss possible changes of the given time schedule.