Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.08.2008Nadia S. Larsen (NL)? B71? Prerequisites (Sections 1.2-1.3)? Review of basic notions from metric spaces. Short overview of the theory of Lebesgue integration. ?
26.08.2008NL? B71, 12.15-14.00? Lp-spaces. Normed spaces. (Sections 1.3 and 2.1.)? Lp-spaces. H?lder's and Minkowski's inequalities. Examples of normed spaces.?
01.09.2008NL? B62, 12.15-14? Normed spaces (Sections 2.1 and 2.2)? The spaces L\infty and l\infty. Finite-dimensional normed spaces. Equivalent norms.?
02.09.2008NL? B71, 12.15-14? Banach spaces (Section 2.2)? ?
08.09.2008NL? B62? Exercises, section 2? Exercises for week 37.?
09.09.2008NL? B 62? Hilbert spaces (Section 3.1)? ?
15.09.2008NL? B62, 12.15-14? Orthogonality. Orthogonal complements.? Sections 3.2-3.3.?
16.09.2008NL? B71, 12.15-14? Orthonormal bases in Hilbert spaces? Section 3.4?
22.09.2008NL? B62? Exercises. Fourier series? Exercises for week 39. Solution to the additional exercise for week 37 can be found her.

Section 3.5?

23.09.2008NL? B71? Continuous linear transformations? Section 4.1?
29.09.2008NL? B62? Exercises. The norm of a bounded linear transformation? Exercises for week 40.

Section 4.2.?

30.09.2008NL? B71? The space B(X, Y). Inverses of operators.? Sections 4.3-4.4 (Theorem 4.43, Corollary 4.44, Theorem 4.52 will be stated without proofs.)?
06.10.2008NL? B62? Exercises. Inverses of operators. Dual spaces.? Exercises for week 41.

Finish section 4.4.

Section 5.1.?

07.10.2008NL? B71? Seminorms. The second dual. Dual operators.? Section 5.2 (sublinear functionals and seminorms.)

Section 5.3 (The Hahn-Banach extension theorem in normed spaces, Thm. 5.19, will be stated without proof.)

Section 5.5. ?

13.10.2008NL? B62? Exercises. The adjoint of an operator on Hilbert space.? Exercises for week 42: 5.2, 5.15, example 5.40.

Section 6.1.?

14.10.2008NL? B71? Normal, self-adjoint and unitary operators on Hilbert spaces? Section 6.2.?
20.10.2008NL? B62? Exercises. The spectrum of an operator? Exercises for week 43.

Section 6.3?

21.10.2008NL? B71? The spectrum of an operator. Positive operators. Projections.? Sections 6.3 - 6.4.?
27.10.2008NL? B62? Exercises. Compact operators.? Exercises for week 44.

Section 7.1?

28.10.2008NL? B71? Compact operators. Spectral theory.? Sections 7.1-7.2.?
03.11.2008NL? B62? Exercises. Spectral theory of compact operators.? Exercises for week 45: 7.2, 7.3, 7.8, 7.11.?
04.11.2008NL? B71? Spectral theory of compact operators. The Fredholm alternative.? Section 7.2.?
10.11.2008NL? B62? Self-adjoint compact operators.? Section 7.3.?
11.11.2008NL? B71? Self-adjoint compact operators.? Section 7.3.?
17.11.2008NL? B62? Fredholm integral equations.? Section 8.1.?
18.11.2008NL? B71? Volterra operators.Applications to solving differential equations.? Section 8.2. Section 8.3 (up to Thm. 8.18).?
Published Aug. 25, 2008 4:51 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2008 10:47 AM