
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.11.2005? B 70? Eksamen des. 2004. Eksamen desember 97 (2).? Last session before the final exam. Eksamen des.04 is located here and here

Solutions to Dec.04

Solution to Dec. 97 (2): page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5.?

22.11.2005? B 71? 10. Product Measures. ? The Theorems of Tonelli and Fubini.

The following solutions also contain 3 of the obligatory problems:

Solution to Eksamen juni 2000

Solution to Eksamen juni 2002


18.11.2005? B 70? 9T (c); 8 N, O, 10 C, E, D. Eksamen juni 00 : 4, 5; (des. 97 : 2)? Eksamen des. 97 is located here?
15.11.2005? B 71? 10. Product Measures? The Product Measure Theorem. Cross Sections.?
11.11.2005? B 70? 7 B, H, I; 8C, E, K, Q, 9T? ?
08.11.2005? B 71? 8. Decomposition of Measures? There are several central theorems here: The Jordan Decomposition, Radon-Nikodym, The Lebesgue Decomposition, Riesz Representation theorem.?
04.11.2005? B 70? 6 E, F, H, J, K, L, N, P, U; (7 A, B, H, I).? ?
01.11.2005? B71? 6. L_p spaces, 7. Modes of Convergence, and 8. Decomposition of Measures? ?
28.10.2005? B70? 9K, L, M, U; (6 E, F, H, J).? ?
25.10.2005? B71? 6. L_p spaces.? H?lder?s inequality will be proved using convexity of the exponential function.?
21.10.2005? B70? 9 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M? ?
18.10.2005? B71? 9. Generation of measures? Hahn?s extension Theorem Lebesgue measure on the real line.?
14.10.2005? B70? 5N, S, T. 9B, C, E. Eksamen juni 1999:1, 2 a,b.? Eksamen juni 1991, 1

Eksamen juni 1991, 2?

11.10.2005? B71? 9. Generation of measures? Outer measures?
07.10.2005? B70? Eksamen desember 1972 oppg.1; 5 O, P, (Q,) R, (S, T) ? Eksamen des. 72 oppg. 1 is located here?
04.10.2005? B71? 9. Generation of Measures ? Hurtigtest 6?
30.09.2005? B70? 4L, M, N; 5A, B, C, D, L, M? ?
27.09.2005? B71? 5. Integrable Functions? Hurtigtest 5?
23.09.2005? B70? 3 (L),M; 4 C, H, I, J, K, (L, M, N)? ?
20.09.2005? B71? 4. The Integral? Hurtigtest 4?
16.09.2005? B70? 2 V; 3 J, K, L, M; 4 C, H, I, K? ?
13.09.2005? B71? 4. The Integral? Hurtigtest 3?
09.09.2005? B70? Exercises 2 I, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R. 3A, B, C, (J, and K). ? ?
06.09.2005? B71? 2. Measurable functions, 3. Measures? ?
02.09.2005? B70? Exercises 2A, B, C, D, E, F, H, (I, K, and M). ? You are encouraged to do as many exercises as possible before each problem session.?
30.08.2005? B71? 2. Measurable Functions? Hurtigtest2?
26.08.2005Terje Sund? B70? M?lbare funksjoner (Kap.2 i L?reboken)).Vi forbereder innf?ringen av Lebesgueintegralet ved ? definere sigma-algebraer og m?lbare funksjoner.? It is important to notice that for any sigma algebra S based on a given set X, the elements of S are always subsets of X.


By solving the "hurtigtest", you can check if you have learned some of the important concepts, results and techniques from the pensum. ?

23.08.2005Terje Sund? B71 Matematikkbygget? Introduction? Weaknesses of the Riemann integral. The extended real numbers. ?
Publisert 10. aug. 2005 18:43 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2005 16:27