
Publisert 14. juni 2005 17:34

Suggestions for solutions to the final exam can be found under notes and exercises.

Happy holidays!

Publisert 3. juni 2005 16:09

Eksamens-relevante oppgaver fra tidligere ?r er :i MAT120B: V04(2:a,b), V02(1:a,b), H01(1:a,b), og i MAT120A: H01(4:a), V02(4), V03(5).

Publisert 26. mai 2005 13:58

Read §31 (p. 301) in Robinson.

Publisert 25. mai 2005 19:20

Notes 8 is available. Exercises for friday have been specified.

Publisert 23. mai 2005 20:37

The official curriculum has been updated (under "pensumliste") and the text for the compulsory exercise ("OBLIG") has been changed, as described in the first paragraph (one exercise less, but two added questions).

Publisert 13. mai 2005 18:10

23 studenter leverte obligatorisk oppgave. Alle innleverte oppgaver er godkjent. Rettede oppgaver er tilgjengelige p? sekretariatet.

Publisert 31. mars 2005 02:00

Notes 7 is available concerning Vandermonde, Wronski and Operators (Example 4.1 and Proof of Proposition 1 detailed on 01.04.2005 at 18:00; More details provided 04.04.2005 at 15:40 + new exercise 3.1, example 4.1 and exercise 4.5).

Publisert 22. mars 2005 01:00

Notes 6 is available and contains the compulsory exercises ("OBLIG").

Publisert 17. mars 2005 01:00

Notes 5 is available and contains solutions for the midterm exam exercises.

Publisert 25. feb. 2005 01:00

Notes 4 is available concerning the midterm.

Publisert 22. feb. 2005 01:00

Midterm exam topics: Everything covered in the lectures until today (included). This corresponds to Part 1 in Robinson or Chapter 1 in Edwards and Penney, PLUS Gronwall's estimates as described in notes. There will not be questions on systems of ODEs.

Publisert 3. feb. 2005 01:00

The third set of notes is now available.

Publisert 27. jan. 2005 01:00

A new set of notes has been provided under "undervisningsmateriale". The first one has also been slightly modified.

Publisert 25. jan. 2005 01:00

NB! Vi gj?r oppmerksom p? at pga nytt eksamensreglement vil studenter som ikke m?ter til underveiseksamen og som ikke har gyldig grunn for frav?ret, blir slettet fra emnet.

Publisert 25. jan. 2005 01:00

From next week on, lectures will be on tuesdays, in Vilhelm Bjerknes Auditorium 2, exercises on fridays as initially planned.

Publisert 24. jan. 2005 01:00

I've been informed that the bookshop still lacks books, and regret that. Friday 28th's lecture will be based on page 25-27 in Mat.-Mol. and the last pages of my handwritten lecturenotes from last lecture. Scans of all these pages are provided under "undervisningsmateriale".

Publisert 21. jan. 2005 01:00

From now on lectures will be on Fridays (VB Aud 2) and exercises will be on Tuesdays (VB Aud 3).

Publisert 21. jan. 2005 01:00

Page 25-27 in Mat.-Mol. looked funny in my copy. Corrected scans are provided under "undervisningsmateriale".

Publisert 20. jan. 2005 01:00

For next week you can look at exercises 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 in the notes provided under "undervisningsmateriale".

Publisert 19. jan. 2005 01:00

Scans of the first lecture can be found under "undervisningsmateriale".

Exercises for Friday are ex. 9.1, and (after having read §9.4) 9.2. Also have a look at ex. 9.7.

Publisert 17. jan. 2005 01:00

All students requiring English translations of their exam papers must report this using "StudentWeb" before February 1st.

Publisert 24. nov. 2004 01:00

Velkommen til MAT-INF1310!

F?rste forelesning blir fredag 14. januar.