Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.01.2011Nils Henrik Risebro? aud. 2, Kristine Bonnevies hus ? Populasjonsmodeller, iterasjon av funksjoner? ?
20.01.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Differensialligninger? ?
25.01.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Systemer av ligninger? ?
25.01.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Systemer av ligninger, oppgaver.? Oppgaver fra Britton: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.?
01.02.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Befolkningsmodeller? Fra kapitel 1.3-1.8 i Britton.?
03.02.2011Xavier Raynaud? aud. 2, KB? Oppgaver, befolkningsmodeller? Oppgaver: fra hefte om diffligninger: 3, 4, 6, 9. Fra Britton: 1.15.?
08.02.2011XR? aud. 2, KB? Population dynamics? Section 2.2 in Britton?
10.02.2011XR? aud. 2, KB ? Lotka-Volterra? Section 2.2.2. Exercises 2.1,2.2 matlab code?
15.02.2011XR? aud. 2, KB? Predator functional response, Competition? Sections 2.2.4-5?
17.02.2011XR? aud. 2,KB? ? Exercises 2.5,2.8?
22.02.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Infectious diseases? We start chapter 3 in Britton.?
24.02.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises? 2.9, 2.15, 2.16, 2.18 ?
01.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? infectious diseases? Cont. chapter 3.?
03.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises? 3.1, 3.2, 3.3?
08.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Infectous diseases, age structure.? ?
10.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Infectiuos diseases? Instead of excerises I shall finish chapter 3, and we will have excersises next week.?
15.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises? From Britton: 3.6, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15.?
18.03.2011? ? ? Cancelled due to illness.?
22.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises? From Britton: 3.17, 3.19.?
24.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Evolution? We start chapter 4 in Britton.?
29.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Evolution, exercises? From Britton: 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.8, 4.9.?
31.03.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Game theory? I will base some of what I say about evolutionary game theory on these notes (I apologize for them being p? norsk).?
05.04.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Evolutionary game theory? ?
07.04.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Evolutionary game theory? Exercises 4.17, 4.18.?
12.04.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Evolutionary game theory? We finish the theory, and time permitting, do exercise 4.20 from Britton.?
11.04.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Motion? Either we finish chapter 4, or start describing motion.?
26.04.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? The continuum equation? We present the continuum equation and learn a little about the diffusion/heat equation.?
03.05.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Equations with diffusion? I presented a model for the spread of muskrats, and analyzed travelling waves for logistic growth models with diffusion.?
05.05.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Travelling waves for the spread of rabies? Cancelled due to small audience!?
10.05.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises, review? Here are the exercises for this week. Also, general questions are welcome!?
12.05.2011NHR? aud. 2, KB? Exercises, review? ?
Published Jan. 18, 2011 2:09 PM - Last modified May 8, 2011 7:06 PM