
Publisert 23. feb. 2022 16:34

will follow the notes (in Norwegian) by J?rgen Rennemo (JR) from last year.   The correspondence to Silvermans (SI) book  and the plan for my lectures this spring is as follows:

JR ch 2 = SI ch I = 1. lecture this spring

JR ch 3 = SI ch II = 2. lecture this spring

JR ch 4 = SI ch III = 3. and 4. lecture this spring

JR ch 5 = SI ch III = 5. and 6. lecture this spring

JR ch 6 = SI ch V = 7. and 8. lecture this spring

JR ch 7 = SI ch VI = 9. and 10.  lecture this spring




Publisert 14. feb. 2022 13:15

As promised, lectures 2 hours a week  will start next week:

Wednesday Feb 23.  1415-16 in NHA 1120,  and will  continue the rest of the semester at this time.



Kristian R


Publisert 17. jan. 2022 15:29

Silverman:  The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves  GTM 106, Springer.

Chp: 1,2,3,5,6.

There is some overlap with MAT 4210;  in particular in ch 1-4, 7,9 in the notes of that course.

Publisert 17. jan. 2022 14:03

This semester, this is a reading course, without normal schedule of lectures.  Since there is overlap, students are encouraged to follow the lectures in MAT 4210 from the start of the semester.

I offer 2x45 min lectures a week, starting the week of Feb. 21.-25., and suggest that we meet  Monday 14. February at  kl 11 (in the break of the lectures in MAT 4210) to schedule time and place.

That  should also  be a good time to organize a student study group to supplement the lectures.


Kristian R