My lectures

will follow the notes (in Norwegian) by J?rgen Rennemo (JR) from last year.   The correspondence to Silvermans (SI) book  and the plan for my lectures this spring is as follows:

JR ch 2 = SI ch I = 1. lecture this spring

JR ch 3 = SI ch II = 2. lecture this spring

JR ch 4 = SI ch III = 3. and 4. lecture this spring

JR ch 5 = SI ch III = 5. and 6. lecture this spring

JR ch 6 = SI ch V = 7. and 8. lecture this spring

JR ch 7 = SI ch VI = 9. and 10.  lecture this spring




Publisert 23. feb. 2022 16:34 - Sist endret 23. feb. 2022 16:34