
Publisert 26. mai 2016 12:41

Dear spline-students.

I have posted the final lecture and the curriculum on the course-pages.

I will be available for questions thursday june 2. from 1015 to 1200 in my office, and otherwise per request per email. 

The exam is june 7th. Detailed information about the exam-times will be posted later.



Publisert 9. mai 2016 14:24

I will be available for questions related to oblig 4 tomorrow from 12 in my office (1015 in NHA)



Publisert 3. mai 2016 09:33

Todays lecture will take place at 1215-1400 in lecture room 126 (NOT UE26 as stated in the lecture plan)


Publisert 22. apr. 2016 17:55

Here is Oblig 4, due thursday may 19. The data are located in a separate directory.

Good luck!


Publisert 7. apr. 2016 12:47

The exam will be June 7th

The student representative for the course is Sissel Fladby

       sisselfl alpha

Publisert 5. apr. 2016 09:26

in UE26 at 1215 today 

Publisert 30. mars 2016 11:45

Dear spline-students, 

we are planning to have the exam june 7th or 8th. Please let me know as soon as possible if any of those dates are not possible. 


Publisert 29. mars 2016 16:24

Dear students, 

you should elect a student representative for the course evaluation, see

Your chosen representative should send me an email with contact details.



Publisert 10. mars 2016 16:14

Here is Oblig3, due thursday march 31. I will be available for questions on tuesday march 15. at 1215 in room UE26

Good luck!


Publisert 18. feb. 2016 13:59

Below are som hints, corrections and comments to the problems. Good luck!



Problem 2.2 

  • check continuity in each knot 

Problem 2.6 

  • There is a misprint in the text, should read "...valid for _i_=j,..."
  • The formula is valid for p>=1, so this is the base case
  • Make your induction hypothesis wrt degree p-1, so that you can use the reccurrency relationship without modifications

Problem 2.11

Problem 2.12

  • Do NOT use/implement the B-spline matrices!!! Use instead two for-loops, similar to Algorithm 1.3
  • Plot the resulting p+1 polynomials  

Problem 2.17

  • a) A textual description is required
  • b) Plot using Algorithm 2.21 with x outside the interval

Problem 2.19

Publisert 12. feb. 2016 09:11

Oblig 2 consists of the following problems in the compendium: 2.2, 2.6, 2.11, 2.12, 2.17, 2.19

Please submit your complete answers by february 25, by email in one pdf with source code attached.


Publisert 4. feb. 2016 19:21

Note that the implementation of Neville-Aitken and deCastaljau is done using for-loops as indicated by the descriptions of the algorithms - use the same indexing in the for loops. But: if you use a programming language where vector indices start with 1 (e.g. matlab) you need to offset reads and writes wrt the vector with 1. E.g. for deCasteljau, something like (the vector q holds the coefficients, p+1 one of them before the first round of averaging) 

q(j+1) = (1 ? t)*q(j-1+1) + t*q(j+1

Do NOT use matrices for the implementation (unless you see the vector of control points in the plane as a matrix 2x(p+1) matrix). You should be able to "overwrite" the elements of a vector containing coefficients, either starting with the first or the last element so that you dont overwrite data that is used in a later calculation ;)


Publisert 28. jan. 2016 12:51

Oblig 1 consists of the following exercises in the compendium: 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 2.1

Please send me your complete answers by email in one pfd-file by the deadline 11th of february. Submit your code for the programming exercises in the same email.

I will be available for questions after the next lecture, and if you wish in the tutorial time-slot tuesday the 9th.


Publisert 22. jan. 2016 10:51

I have put the notes for the first lecture on the webpage, link to the left "Lectures". 

Please send me an email if you have constraints wrt the time of the lectures (tuesdays vs thursdays), and I will try to find the best solution 


Publisert 15. jan. 2016 18:10

The first lecture takes place thursday January 21st 1015-1200 in room 126 in NHA, see the lecture plan