Hints and instructions for Oblig 2

Below are som hints, corrections and comments to the problems. Good luck!



Problem 2.2 

  • check continuity in each knot 

Problem 2.6 

  • There is a misprint in the text, should read "...valid for _i_=j,..."
  • The formula is valid for p>=1, so this is the base case
  • Make your induction hypothesis wrt degree p-1, so that you can use the reccurrency relationship without modifications

Problem 2.11

Problem 2.12

  • Do NOT use/implement the B-spline matrices!!! Use instead two for-loops, similar to Algorithm 1.3
  • Plot the resulting p+1 polynomials  

Problem 2.17

  • a) A textual description is required
  • b) Plot using Algorithm 2.21 with x outside the interval

Problem 2.19

Publisert 18. feb. 2016 13:59 - Sist endret 18. feb. 2016 14:02