KJM1000 – Introduction to chemistry

Course content

Atoms, molecules and quantity of mass. Reactions, equations and calculations. Chemical bonds. Forces between molecules. Chemical equilibrium. acid-base reactions. Redox reactions. Electrochemical cells. Chemical energy: enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy. Reaction rates. Some typical metals. Essential nitrogen and sulfur compounds. Structure, isomerism and important classes of compounds in organic chemistry. Simple reaction mechanisms. Organic polymers.

Learning outcome

The course intends to give science students with limited experience from high school (2KJ) an understanding of chemical terminology and methods, knowledge of the composition and properties of chemical compounds and provide the necessary background for further studies in chemistry, biology and geology. Throughout the course the students shall acquire a fundamental understanding of chemistry and use it for solving problems related to industry and society. They shall also be able to plan and conduct simple laboratory experiments.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

In addition to fulfilling the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway, you must either have 2MX/2MY/3MZ and 3MX/3FY/3KJ/3BI/(2KJ+3BT)/(2BI+3BT) from Norwegian upper secondary school, or have completed equivalent studies in mathematics as well as physics, or chemistry, or biology at upper secondary school or university level at another educational institution. Read more about fulfilling special requirements.

Students who are admitted to the bachelor’s degree programme in Archaeology, History of Arts and Conservation (in Norwegian) or to the course group 40BEVG (in Norwegian) do not need the aforementioned formal prerequisites to study KJM 1000.

Recommended previous knowledge

Chemistry corresponding to the second year in the Norwegian high school system (2KJ, three hours each week)

Overlapping courses

KJM1000 – Introduction to chemistry (discontinued) gives 10 studieponts overlap against KJ100 and KJ050.


The course is supported by resources on the web and includes 30 hours of lectures, 45 hours of classes and 16 hours of mandatory laboratory training (4 exercises). The laboratory course and a given number of written exercises must be approved before a student can take part in the final course examination.

Those who previously have taken part in the course and have a valid laboratory course and valid exercises, only need to register for the final examination.


Final, written exam (3 hours). Letter grading. Allowed examination aids: The students choice of text limited to two two written pages. Pocket calculator


The laboratory course and the written exercises are both valid in 5 semesters after they were taken.

Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is an essential to us in our efforts to ensure and further improve the high quality of our programmes and courses. As a student at the University of Oslo you will therefore be asked to participate in various types of evaluation of our courses, facilities and services. All study programmes and courses are subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students enrolled in a particular programme or course to participate in a more comprehensive, in-depth evaluation of their programme or course. The next evaluation of this course will be carried out during the autumn term of 2005.

Facts about this course


This course was given for the last time in the autumn semester of 2006. It is replaced by KJM1001 – Introduction to chemistry (continued).

Teaching language