
Publisert 21. okt. 2011 11:44

Module 2 - Electrical Measurements:

There is a change in the times for the lectures Thursday 27 and Monday 31st. The new plan is:

Thursday 27th 11.15-14.00

Monday 31st 12.15-16.00


Publisert 12. okt. 2011 19:08

Module 2 - Electrical measurements - starts Thursday October 27 and runs till November 9. Teachers are Truls Norby and Liv-Elisif Kalland. The curriculum will be handed out on the first day. Teaching will be partly lectures and partly practical excercises with impedance spectrometers and other units. If no other info is given, the meeting place for all teaching is Lunchroom, FERMiO, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken. We plan to lecture Thursday 27th 10.15-14.00, and Monday 31st 10.15-15.00 (with breaks for lunch). Let me know ( if you are unavailable in periods those days. Furthermore, tha excercise lab will be open Wednesday 2nd till Tuesday 8th and you may do the excercises when it suits you after agreement with Liv-Elisif the first days. Wednesday 9th is report-and-wrap-up day. More info and adjustments will come on the Module 2 page as soon as it is established. See you. Truls.

Publisert 22. aug. 2011 23:24

Oppdatert informasjon om modulen i Str?levern (modul 28) er lagt ut p? her . V?r oppmerksom p? at f?rste delen av dette kurset g?r tirsdag-torsdag neste uke (30. august - 1. september).

Publisert 16. aug. 2011 18:36

The MN Faculty has introduced an obligatory lab safety course (MNLAB0020 Introduction to laboratory and field safety) for all Master's students with admission Autumn 2011. Please see the MNLAB0020 course content and time schedule for MNLAB0020. Meet the first day Monday 22 August 09:00 at Aud.2 in the Chemistry building. This course is a part of the teaching of module 30 "HMS and laboratory safety"