
Publisert 18. apr. 2020 10:55

The exam in KJM-MENA 3120 Inorganic Chemistry II was originally announced to be held June 9 in Silurveien as a written exam.

Due to the corona situation, it will instead be held as 30 minutes oral exams online over Zoom during June 9. and 10. The time table will be agreed on with you and posted in advance, and you will receive Zoom invitations. 

You will get 4 tasks or themes to solve, explain, or discuss, each expected to take 5 minutes. Three are one from each of the main sections of the curriculum (Structure, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry) and the fourth is from the colloquiums, made by your teachers in each case (Fjellv?g, Valldor, Norby/Nilsen, and Jensen).

There is however only one examiner (Norby) in addition to the censor. The grading is only Fail or Pass. It is recommended to have pen/pencil and blank paper available. We will give example of at least one...

Publisert 5. apr. 2020 02:30

V?ren 2020 skal avsluttende eksamen i KJM-MENA3120 avholdes muntlig grunnet Koronasituasjon. Detaljerte opplysninger om muntlig eksamen i emnet vil bli publisert p? emnets semesterside over P?ske

Publisert 24. mars 2020 22:23

Hi all, 

here is the complete list of the curriculum for the course spring 2020: 

Part 1 (Fjellv?g) Crystallography and structure:

- Compendium on crystallography 

- Compendium for structure/properties (parts not curriculum marked) 

- Lecture slides

Part 2 (Valldor) Thermodynamics:

- Lecture slides

Part 3 (Nilsen, Norby) Electrochemistry:

- Compendium "Solid-State Electrochemistry; Fundamentals, Fuel Cells, Batteries"

- Lecture slides

All are available on Canvas and/or the semester page.

Publisert 24. mars 2020 18:05

Dear all,

For the electrochemistry part to be lectured by Ola Nilsen and myself, the curriculum is compendium that will be made available to you as a pdf before those lectures start. A list of the curriculum covering all three parts/lecturers will be made available also soon.

Many wonder what will happen to the exam under the corona: What I know now is only that the planned written exam in Silurveien is cancelled, and will be replaced by something else. I cannot speculate yet what it might be - the faculty and department decide - but I will as the last lecturer have the possibility to help prepare you for whatever format.. More info will follow.  



Publisert 14. feb. 2020 22:06

Hi all, 

there was a mistake in the semester plan - the midsemester week was incorrect. It shall be week 12 (no teaching). Corrected now. 


Publisert 19. jan. 2020 05:48

Hi all, 

I have uploaded the semester plan. 

The lectures start this Tuesday - the first class is mandatory - let us know if you have a problem to attend. 

Weeks for mandatory colloquia are tentative and may change. 






Publisert 6. jan. 2020 17:53

Dear all, 

the course KJM-MENA3120 will start one week delayed - in week 4 - the first lecture will be Tuesday January 21 at 12.15-14.00 in Avogadro. Be there! Prof. Helmer Fjellv?g takes a list of attendance, introduces the course, provides an overview, and starts the first part of the lectures.

The curriculum and lecture notes (slides) will be made available here and/or on Canvas. (The course uses Canvas for its mandatory hand-ins a.o.)

Truls Norby