
Publisert 20. apr. 2020 20:05

Info til eksamen ligger p? ITS Wiki: 

Publisert 3. apr. 2020 15:15

Det vil gjennomf?res digital, muntlig eksamen i emnet. Eksamen vil bli vurdert til best?tt/ikke best?tt. Eksamen vil fortrinnsvis bli avholdt p? samme dato som opprinnelig planlagt, og gjennomf?rt via Zoom. Dersom dette mot formodning skulle endre seg, vil du f? beskjed om dette i god tid f?r eksamen.

Se MNs sider for mer informasjon:


The exam will be held as a digital, oral exam, and the grade will be pass/fail. The exam is scheduled for the same date as originally planned, and we plan to use Zoom as means of examination. If this should change, you will be notified in good time before the exam.

See MN's web pages for more information:

Publisert 23. jan. 2020 10:23

As agreed during the first lecture, please find attached the dates for the lectures. All information, including slides, notes, further reading is available from our Wiki

16Jan L1 & L2
23.01 L3 & L4
06.02 L5 & L6
13.02 (Josef Noll) L7 & L8
20.02 L9 & L10 Paper analysis
27.02 -no lecture-
05.03 L11 & L12, with demonstration 
12.03 L15 & L16
26.03 L13& L14
Exam: 22Apr2020

Publisert 10. jan. 2020 10:56

During the first lecture on Thursday 16Jan2020 (0900-1600h), we will discuss the detailed lecture plan. 
In case you are not able to join, please inform, thus we can take contact with you regarding the schedule.
Looking forward to the deep dive into "Measurable Security for the Internet of Things".
Kind regards
Josef Noll/Gyuri Kálmán