TEK5530 - Lecture plan and Link to wiki

As agreed during the first lecture, please find attached the dates for the lectures. All information, including slides, notes, further reading is available from our Wiki its-wiki.no/wiki/TEK5530

16Jan L1 & L2
23.01 L3 & L4
06.02 L5 & L6
13.02 (Josef Noll) L7 & L8
20.02 L9 & L10 Paper analysis
27.02 -no lecture-
05.03 L11 & L12, with demonstration 
12.03 L15 & L16
26.03 L13& L14
Exam: 22Apr2020

Publisert 23. jan. 2020 10:23 - Sist endret 25. mars 2020 22:07