
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.08.2009Anders? Visningsrommet, InterMedia? Introduction to the course? One-sheet handout / H1 ?
03.09.2009Anders & Kathrine? Visningsrommet? Basic concepts: Perspective-taking, ZPD? Kelley, Osborne & Hendrick (1974), Vygotsky (1978), ch. 6 / F1, X1?
10.09.2009Anders? Visningsrommet? Introduction to CSCW and groupware? Ellis et al. (1991), Grudin (1994) / F2, X2?
17.09.2009Anders? ? Instructional scaffolding for problem solving and design? Wood, Bruner & Ross (1976); Oh, Gross & Do (2008) / F3, Q3?
24.09.2009Kathrine? ? Theory I: Intro to research in CSCL? Krange & Ludvigsen (2009) / Q4?
25.09.2009? ? Deliverable 1? 1 (max 2) page project proposal due at 4pm?
01.10.2009Anders, Kathrine + 2-3 students? ? History, focus, and perspectives in CSCL? Stahl, Koschmann & Suthers (2006), Ludvigsen & M?rch (2009) / Q5?
08.10.2009Anders, Kathrine + 2-3 students? ? Stages in the evolution of educational technology? Koschmann (1996) / X3?
15.10.2009Anders, Kathrine + 2-3 students? ? Studies I: Inquiry learning, scaffolding? Stahl (2004), Furberg (2009) / X4?
16.10.2009? ? Deliverable 2? 5 (max 8) page midterm report (first version of project report) due at 4pm in course WIKI ?
22.10.2009Anders, Kathrine + 2-3 students? ? Studies II: Distance education? Littleton & Whitelock (2004), Smith (2005) / X5?
29.10.2009Kathrine, Anders & students? ? Analysis and design demoes? First hour "demo" of multi-methods approach to analysis. Second hour demo of EssayCritic system, an ongoing project at InterMedia?
05.11.2009Anders, Kathrine & 2-3 students? ? Supporting collaboration by feedback and advice-giving? Soller et al. (2005); M?rch, Dolonen & N?vdal (2006) / Q6?
12.11.2009Anders & Kathrine + 2-3 students? ? Studies III: Psychological experiments? Hakkarainen & Palonen (2003), Dehler et al. (2009) / Q7?
24.11.2009Anders & Kathrine? ? Comprehensive summary? Overview of subject matter and relationship of ideas / F12?
24.11.2009? ? Deliverable 3? Final project report (min 15, max 25 pages) due at midnight ?
26.11.2009Anders & Kathrine? ? Presentation of projects? 15 minutes per group, 5 minutes per person in group.?
07.12.2009Anders & sensor? ? ? Final exam (oral), Dec. 7th (whole day) and Dec. 8th (after 12).?
Publisert 6. sep. 2009 21:47 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:04