Frist for levering av rapporten i INF5420 er 15. desember.
Bj?rn Kraab?l holder tirsdag 12/10 KL. 15:15 (Lille Aud.) en gjesteforelesning med f?lgende tittel: "Hjelp jeg er prosjektleder!! Og teamet er spredd over hele kloden....". Bj?rn er CTO / COO hos Idteq A/S, og har bla bakgrunn fra Lattice Semiconductor og ST Microelectronics i USA, samt Birkeland Innovasjon.
For those who are unfamiliar with, or wish a nice but brief introduction to report writing, I have found this guide to be helpful: .
Manager for IC Design at Texas Instruments Norway (former Chipcon), Arve Austad, is having a guest lecture on Tuesday the 14th, between 14:15 and 16:00. The lecture will deal with chip design for high volume production. This will happen at Lille Auditorium.
The first meeting ("lecture") will take place between 9:15 and 10:00 (not 10:15 and 12:00 as previously announced), in Lille Auditorium, Wednesday the 1st of September. We'll agree about weekdays and times for common activities later on. Welcome.
Wednesday the 1st of September, 10:15 - 12:00, is allocated by both INF5470 and INF5420. Philipp and myself are both aware of this conflict and will discuss how to solve this tomorrow. -Snorre
The first lecture / meeting will be arranged between 10:15 and 12:00, Wednesday the 1st of September. We'll met in Lille Auditorium in the Informatics building. INF5420 may be taken independent of INF5700, though the homepage may give a different impression.