
Published May 26, 2009 11:58 AM

All INF5180 participants will soon receive an invitation to evaluate this course. For the final evaluation, the same questionnaire will be used as for the intermediate evaluation. If you don't receive an invitation until Thursday, May 28, please contact the course instructor by e-mail (Dietmar Pfahl: Please note that invitations will only be sent to your UiO e-mail addresses.

The evaluation period starts today, May 26, at 15:00 in the afternoon and is open until June 6 at 23:59.

Published May 14, 2009 12:19 PM

Thanks for submitting your final reports in time.

The oral exam will take place in seminar room 3B (our lecture room) on May 27th.

Although I will recognize you, please don't forget to bring an ID card. The second examiner will be Dr. Stein Grimstad of Simula Research Laboratory (Head of Department 'Software Engineering').

Please check out the examination time table below. Each exam is scheduled to last approx. 20 min. If you have a serious time conflict, please let me know asap, I will then try to accommodate a change. Please be aware that it will be difficult to assign to everyone the preferred slots. Thus, please only ask for changes, if you have a serious reason.

Time Table:

  • Balashova Maria 8.30-8.50
  • Bekkeheien Thomas 9.00-9.20
  • Dahl Christoffer 9.30-9.50
  • Díaz González José Enrique 10.00-10.20
  • Fajkovic Ernad 10.30-10.50
  • Fattahi Asad 11.00-11.20
  • Khan...
Published Apr. 29, 2009 4:55 PM

The slides presented during today's lecture related to the final report and oral exam can be found under directory undervisningsmateriale.

Please recall that the submission deadline for the final project report is May 13, at 23:59 (i.e., at the end of the day, one minute before midnight). This is a hard deadline. Documents submitted after that time will not be looked at. Also documents that are not in PDF format will be ignored.

Note: Late reports or reports not in PDF format will automatically receive 0 marks.

I hope to see all of you in the oral exam on Wednesday, May 27.

Thanks for being a good class! I enjoyed teaching this course. I will put up the web-based evaluation forms approx. one week before the oral exam (it will be open for feedback 10 days, i.e., until after the oral exam).

Good luck!

Published Apr. 27, 2009 1:12 PM

As announced during last week's lecture, the lecture on Wednesday, April 29, will consist of three parts:

1. Short coverage of elements of Part 10

2. General feedback on the drafts of the Final Report

3. Brief review of the lecture to give you some hints on how to prepare for the oral exam on May 27.

Note: Under directory undervisningsmateriale you find a set of slides with general instructions on how to write technical reports (and other related types of documents).

Published Apr. 7, 2009 5:07 PM

The lecture notes of Part 10 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 10 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Mar. 30, 2009 5:51 PM

The notes of last week's guest lecture and the lecture notes of Part 09 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 09 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Mar. 24, 2009 3:16 PM

Please recall that we will have a guest lecture tomorrow presented by Johannes Brodwall and ?rjan Markhus Lillevik of Steria

Title: What value will it give? How much will it cost? - Experience report on estimating and prioritizing agile projects

Start time: 9:15 a.m. - Duration: 2 hours (incl. discussion)

Note that I will return your draft reports after the guest lecture (with comments/feedback).

Published Mar. 20, 2009 5:35 PM

The lecture notes of Part 08 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 08 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Mar. 20, 2009 4:43 PM

Thanks for the timely submission of your draft project reports. Each of you will receive individual feedback until 25th March at the latest.

When quickly browsing through your reports, I noticed that some of you ignored the formal guidelines that I provided in the first lecture (i.e., cover page, figure/table captions, referencing, font size, line spacing). This is not a problem for your draft document but please make sure that you satisfy the formatting requirements in the final project report. You find the formatting rules and other useful information on the project report and the oral exam in a file I have uploaded to directory undervisningsmateriale. To give you orientation on ho...

Published Mar. 13, 2009 10:57 AM

Please remember that the mandatory first draft of your project report is due before the start of the lecture on Wednesday, March 18. The start of the lecture is at 9.15 am. Note that any delay - even as little as 1 minute - will result in a penalty.

Please submit by e-mail to before March 18, 9.15 am. I will only accept files in PDF format.

Published Mar. 10, 2009 3:27 PM

You can find the mid-term course evaluation in directory course-evaluation under undervisningsmateriale. 10 out of 25 enrolled students gave feedback. Thank you!

Published Mar. 4, 2009 7:28 PM

Thanks to all of you who gave their presentations today. The presentations can be found in the folder student-presentations under directory undervisningsmateriale

Published Mar. 3, 2009 10:10 AM

Please note that I created a directory student-presentations under undervisningsmateriale. This directory will be used to upload your presentations after tomorrow's lecture. The directory contains currently one PDF file summarizing the instructions for the presentation as outlined in the first lecture and in last week's lecture. The summary also contains a tentative schedule for tomorrow's presentations.

Published Mar. 2, 2009 11:26 AM

The lecture notes of Part 07 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 07 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Mar. 1, 2009 4:50 PM

Please remember that on Wednesday, March 4, your mandatory presentations are due. Each presentation should last about 3 to 4 minutes, not longer. I will stop you after 5 minutes sharp in case needed.

The main point is to briefly describe the context for your (real or ficticious) planned improvement activity (i.e., what kind of software development organization are you thinking of, how big is it, what processes are currently used, what products developed, and so on) and the problem/issue that your planned improvement is supposed to address/resolve.

The talks will be given in alphabetical order. If you wish to change with someone, please contact the other student and ask whether he/she agrees. If yes, please inform me. Also, if you could send me your presentation upfront, this would be convenient (but it is not required).

Below is the list of presenters as I anticipate it (base...

Published Feb. 24, 2009 12:13 PM

I have set up the questionnaire for the mid-term evaluation. All of you should have received an invitation by e-mail. The questionnaire will be open from February 26 on (for one week, if I remember correctly). If you haven't received an invitation but are enrolled in the corse, please let me know. Beware that I used your official UiO e-mail addresses for the automatic generation of invitation mails!

Published Feb. 24, 2009 11:55 AM

Please recall that we will have a brief discussion on the exercise of Part 05 (slide 39) at the beginning of the first class hour tomorrow. The second hour is reserved for questions you may have regarding the presentation (due next week) and the final report. Please note that report outlines of two of last years' reports can be found in directory final-report under undervisningsmateriale.

In the PROFES User Manual you find a very detailed template for a process improvement plan in Appendix 2.6 (Note: this template is too detailed for our needs, but it might still serve well for giving an idea what all the elements of a comprehensive software process improvement plan might be).

In the reading materials related to Part06 of the lecture you find a paper that reports experience from applying the PROFES SPI method at Draeger.

The lecture notes of Part 06 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under und...

Published Feb. 17, 2009 10:04 AM

I suggest having a question and answer session (45 min) in the first or second hour of the lecture on Feb 25, 2009. Please let me know tomorrow during the lecture whether you would like to have it and/or whether you have special requests/suggestions.

The question and answer session is meant to help you prepare your presentations for March 4, 2009, and also as an opportunity to ask questions about the final report. Please recall that two examples of report outlines taken from two of last year's reports are available in directory final-report under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Feb. 17, 2009 10:01 AM

The lecture notes of Part 05 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 05 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Feb. 6, 2009 12:57 PM

The lecture notes of Part 04 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 04 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Feb. 5, 2009 10:26 AM

I uploaded two examples of tables of contents (TOCs) of last years' final reports. Please note that these examples are only meant to give you an idea of how a TOC could look like. Also note that last year I allowed reports of up to 25 pages (excluding cover page). This year, I prefer to receive reports that are no longer than 20 pages (excluding cover page). You find the reports in the directory final-report under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Feb. 5, 2009 10:23 AM

The guest lecture will most probably take place on March 25. Please mark this date in your calendars. An external speaker from industry will share his experience with process changes/improvements in a company. Once I have received final commitment from the speaker, I will inform you (and update the teaching plan accordingly).

Published Feb. 2, 2009 5:51 PM

The lecture notes of Part 03 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Part 03 have also been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Jan. 27, 2009 8:10 PM

The lecture notes of Part 01 have been updated/uploaded and those of Part 02 uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

Reading materials for Parts 00, 01, and 02 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory reading-materials under undervisningsmateriale.

Published Jan. 23, 2009 3:13 PM

The lecture notes of Parts 00 and 01 have been uploaded. You find them in the directory lecture-notes under undervisningsmateriale.

The PROFES User Manual can be found in the directory syllabus.