
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
17.01.2005Bjarne Holen? ? Connection-kalkyle, Maude og meta-programmering? ?
24.01.2005Bjarne Holen? ? Connection-kalkyle, Maude og meta-programmering? ?
31.01.2005Roger Antonsen? ? "Introduction to Lattices and Order" VIII? Repetisjon av: Kap. 1 "Ordered sets" / kap. 2 "Lattices and complete lattices".?
07.02.2005Bj?rnar Solhaug? ? Multi-modal epistemisk logikk? ?
14.02.2005Espen Lian? ? "Introduction to Lattices and Order" IX? Kap. 4 "Modular, distributive and Boolean lattices".?
21.02.2005Arild Waaler? ? "Connections in non-classical logics" I? ?
28.02.2005Arild Waaler ? ? "Connections in non-classical logics" II? ?
07.03.2005Roger Antonsen? ? Deltaregler, skolemisering og sunnhet? ?
14.03.2005Arild Waaler ? ? "Connections in non-classical logics" III? ?
21.03.2003? ? ? P?ske?
28.03.2005? ? ? P?ske?
04.04.2005Arild Waaler? ? "Connections in non-classical logics" IV? ?
11.04.2005Arild Waaler ? ? "Connections in non-classical logics" V? ?
18.04.2005? ? ? ?
25.04.2005? ? ? ?
02.05.2005? ? ? ?
09.05.2005? ? ? ?
16.05.2005? ? ? Pinse?
23.05.2005? ? ? ?
30.05.2005? ? ? ?
06.06.2005? ? ? ?
Publisert 31. jan. 2005 12:10 - Sist endret 4. mars 2005 15:10