Teaching plan

Send your request for a slot for a presentation/discussion to cristi ' at" ifi.uio.no.

Several speakers may fit in one week, depending on the time they require for their presentation (and the discussions).

The program of each weak is announced via the fm-seminar mailing list.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
30.04.2008Cristian Prisacariu? ? A particular matching problem? Keywords: Rewriting systems, Unification, Universal algebras, Action algebra.?
07.05.2008? ? ? ?
14.05.2008Cristian Prisacariu? ? Movie projection (if no other presentation available). Discussions/comments/oppinions follow the movie.? Movie choice between:

21.05.2008Cristian Prisacariu ? ? A particular matching problem: The solution based on narrowing technique.? Keywords: Rewriting systems, Unification, Universal algebras, Action algebra, Narrowing, CiME tool for proving termination and confluence of TRSs.


28.05.2008Mohammad Fadlisyah? ? ? ?
03.06.2008til 07.06.2008? Georg Sverdrup's hus? DISCOTEC'08 conference? Three conferences in parallel: Coordination , DAIS , FMOODS + three workshops


11.06.2008Immo Grabe? ? ? ?
Publisert 18. apr. 2008 15:31 - Sist endret 16. juli 2009 11:53