
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.02.2005Anders Moen Hagalisletto Olaf Owe? ? Opening of DBSEM ? NB: Obligatorisk oppm?te for de som ?nsker vekttall for DBSEM. For alle andre, m?tt opp!?
08.02.2005Andrei Sabelfeld (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)? ? Language-Based Concepts and Techniques for Information Security? ?
15.02.2005Mass Soldal Lund? ? Operational semantics for UML sequence diagrams? ?
23.02.2005 Martin Steffen? Buerommet? Observability for class-based OO languages? NB: Wednesday 11:15 - 12:00?
23.02.2005Marcel Kyas? Seminar rom 3 B? Compositional Specification and Verification of UML Models? NB: The same wednesday 13:15 - 14:00?
01.03.2005Anders Moen Hagalisletto? ? Constructing, maintaining and refining large scale railroad models using Petri Nets - Part I? ?
08.03.2005Anders Moen Hagalisletto ? ? Constructing, maintaining and refining large scale railroad models using Petri Nets - Part II? ?
15.03.2005Gyrd Br?ndeland ? ? Introduction to the Temporal Logic of Actions ? Foils?
22.03.2005? ? No lecture - Easter (P?ske)? ?
29.03.2005? ? No lecture - Easter (P?ske)? ?
05.04.2005Anders Moen Hagalisletto? ? Protocol Algebra? Foils?
12.04.2005Kristian Syversen? ? Digital Rights Management? Foils?
19.04.2005 Erling Holmqvist? ? Theory and praxis for monadic programming in Haskell? Foils?
26.04.2005Ragnhild Kobro Runde? ? LSC - Live Sequence Charts? Foils?
03.05.2005Arild Torjusen? ? A Channel-based Coordination Model for Component Composition? Foils?
10.05.2005Junjie Cao? ? Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers? Foils?
24.05.2005Anders Moen Hagalisletto ? ? Category Theory for Computer Science (Introduction)? Foils?
31.05.2005 --? ? ? The lecture this week is cancelled?
07.06.2005Henrik Berg? ? Topics from the PhD? ?
Publisert 5. jan. 2005 13:22 - Sist endret 8. juni 2005 11:19