
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.01.2003Anders Moen and Olaf Owe? Seminar room 3A? Introduction - every master student should meet? ?
27.01.2004Ketil St?len (SINTEF)? ? The CORAS Tool-Supported Methodology for UML-Based Security Analysis ? Foils?
03.02.2004 Silvija Seres (Oxford) ? ? Higher-order transformation of logic programs? ?
10.02.2003Anders Moen (PMA)? ? A high level language for specifying security properties ? Foils?
17.02.2003Jon Haugsand (PMA)? ? Information availability in a security setting? Foils?
24.02.2003? Holliday? ? ?
02.03.2003Mass Soldal Lund ? ? Analysing Trust using Deontic Logic ? Foils?
09.03.2003Ragni Ryvold Arnesen (NR)? ? Introduction to cryptography? Foils

NB: Handbook of Cryptography?

16.03.2003Einar Snekkenes (HIG)? ? Information security Research and Development at Gj?vik University College? ?
23.03.2003Gyrd Br?ndeland? ? Using risk analysis to assess user trust -- a net-bank scenario? Foils?
30.03.2003Jo Hannay (Simula)? ? System F and Relational Parametricity ? ?
13.04.2003? Holliday? ? ?
06.04.2003? Holliday? ? ?
20.04.2003Jon ?lnes (IBM)? ? Engineering secure distributed systems - a practical perspective? Foils?
27.04.2003Henrik Berg? ? Automatic programming with ADATE? Foils?
04.05.2003Habtamu Abie (NR)? ? A Distributed Digital Rights Management Model for Information Distribution Systems Digital Rights Management for Distributed Information Systems? ?
11.05.2003Habtamu Abie (NR)? ? Authenticated Encryption: Relations among notions and analysis of the generic composition paradigm by Mihir Bellare and Chanathip Nampremprey? Foils?
18.05.2003Line Borgund? ? Using Maude to analyse security ? Foils?
25.05.2003Knut Eilif Husa (Ericsson PMA)? ? Probabilistic Interactions using Message Sequence Charts? Foils?
Publisert 27. okt. 2003 16:07 - Sist endret 16. juni 2004 12:04