
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2004Professor Kokichi FUTATSUGI (Japan)? ? Introduction to CafeOBJ? No foils?
31.08.2004? ? No lecture? ?
07.09.2004Professor Isabelle Ryl (France)? ? About Dynamic Classes in Creol? Foils?
14.09.2004Atle Refsdal? ? Probabilistic Interactions in MSC? Foils

Foils Powerpoint?

21.09.2004Associate professor Lars Kristiansen (Oslo University College)? ? Characterization of Complexity Classes and Complexity Analysis ofPrograms? No foils?
28.09.2004Ingrid Chieh Yu? ? Using algebraic techniques for rapid construction of the railway model: Oslo Subway ? Foils?
05.10.2004Anders Moen Hagalisletto? ? From specification to abstract algebra down to implementation? Foils?
12.10.2004Gerardo Schneider (France, INRIA)? ? A constraint-based algorithm for estimating memory usage on Java cards? No foils?
19.10.2004Professor Olaf Owe? ? Creol - some major achievements? Foils?
26.10.2004Associate professor Einar Broch Johnsen? ? A close look at the run-time machine of Creol? Foils?
02.11.2004Fredrik Seehusen? ? Security preserving transformations? Foils?
09.11.2004Atle Refsdal? ? Probabilistic Transition Systems? Foils?
16.11.2004Fredrik Seehusen? ? Neural networks and Go? Foils?
23.11.2004Anders Skolseg Bruvik? ? Deductive databases? Foils?
Publisert 20. aug. 2004 12:20 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2004 15:39