
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.01.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Introduction?
  • Introduction
  • Overview of standards
  • Information theory
  • Coding of Images
01.02.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Image Coding / JPEG?
  • JPEG image coding
  • DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
  • RLE (Runlength Encoding in JPEG)
08.02.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Image and Video Coding? JPEG?
15.02.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Image and Video Coding? Wavelet and JPEG2000?
22.02.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Video Coding? MPEG I and MPEG II MPEG-TS H.263?
01.03.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? AudioCoding I / Music Coding / Psycho Acoustics? ?
08.03.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Audio Coding II / GSM? Speech Coding / GSM?
15.03.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Digital TV / DVD? ?
22.03.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? DAB / MIDI? ?
29.03.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? MPEG-4? ?
05.04.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? MPEG-7? ?
26.04.2006Participants? Delta? OBLIG / MPEG-4 / MPEG-21? ?
03.05.2006Participants? Delta? OBLIG? ?
10.05.2006Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Historic Sound Coding? ?
24.05.2006Participants? Delta? OBLIG? ?
Publisert 9. jan. 2006 18:52 - Sist endret 9. mai 2006 18:24