
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.09.2006C & P? 3A? Intro and Architectures? slides: ppt , pdf?
08.09.2006C & P? 3A? Machine resources (server examples & CPU)? slides:ppt, pdf?
15.09.2006C & P? 3A? Machine resources (memory & storage)? slides:ppt, pdf?
22.09.2006C & P? 3A? Machine resources (storage)? slides:ppt, pdf ?
29.09.2006C & P ? 3A ? Protocols without QoS-support? slides:ppt, pdf?
06.10.2006Torgeir Hovden, Rolf Michelsen (FAST)? 3A? Guest lecture: High Performance Distributed Systems - Theory & Practice? ?
13.10.2006C & P ? 3A? Protocols? slides:ppt, pdf?
20.10.2006C & P ? 3A? Distribution systems (centralized)? slides:ppt, pdf?
27.10.2006P? 3A? Distribution systems (hierarchical)? slides:ppt?
03.11.2006alle? 3A? Student presentations? ?
10.11.2006C? 3A? Distribution systems (peer-to-peer)? slides:ppt?
17.11.2006? ? no lecture? ?
24.11.2006alle? 3A? Discussion? A discussion about the usefulness or uselessness of presented mechanisms, and about pros and cons of combining several of them in one system.

Get an overview over your notes before this lecture. It's a waste of time if nobody can have opinions.?

Published June 19, 2006 11:31 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2006 11:58 AM