Semester page for INF5020 - Autumn 2004

We drop one article on week 12 (46). Please check the new reading list for that week.

Nov. 4, 2004 1:00 AM

Two announcements in one:1-) About the length of the final essay: The important thing is the content of the essay and the style and strength of your argumentation. So you can do it in a very brief way if you choose and manage to do so. So there is no hard limits (though please don't write a book on the subject).2-) You can, and actually encouraged to do so, ask us for feedback while you are writing your essays and your term paper. Though be aware that not mentioning something in our feedback does not mean that everything is OK for that (whatever) part of your essay (or term paper) or argumentation. Thus "But it was not pointed out in your feedback, so I thought the article was good enough" will not be a valid complaint.

Nov. 3, 2004 1:00 AM

On week 46, November 12th, we will finish the lecture at 15:30 instead of usual 16:00, as I (EG) will have to leave for cathching my plane to Copenhagen. We will have only one ten minute break instead of two fifteen minute ones, thus will lose only 10 minutes of lecture time.

Nov. 3, 2004 1:00 AM