
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2008Jo Herstad? Lille auditorium ? Introduction to the course? ?
02.09.2008Jo Herstad? Lille auditorium ? Chapter 1 + 2 (What is interaction design/HCI? Understanding and conceptualizing interaction.)? Ahoy, the slides are found here

Please have a look at the other learning items as well, for example the case studies?

09.09.2008Alma Culén? Lille auditorium ? Chapter 2 and 3? Chapter 3 extended lecture slides. Some suggestions for projects and Rolfs email. Items that can be helpful in understanding children's museum projects: Technology and Children, Designing for Play with photos. An item that may be helpful for Blindernstasjon Winning architectural proposal?
16.09.2008Alma Culén? Lille auditorium? Chapter 4 ? Presentation of Developing Quality of Experience (QoE) Guidelines for real-time communication services expressed in Quality of Service (QoS) terms: An overview of ETSI Specialist Task Force STF 354 by Bj?rn Hestnes and Peter Brooks at the start of the lecture. Todays lecture covered the following slides .?
19.09.2008? ? Delivery? On the 19th of September you need to deliver Wonder Document, describing the main idea and problem space for your project, as well as the conceptual framework.?
23.09.2008Alma Culén? Lille auditorium? Chapter 5? ?
30.09.2008Jo Herstad? Lille auditorium? Chapter 6 and start chapter 7? ?
03.10.2008Nil? e-mail? ? Feedback - wonder document?
07.10.2008Jo Herstad? Lille auditorium? Chapter 7 + 8? ?
14.10.2008Jo Herstad? Lille auditorium? Chapter 9 + 10? ?
21.10.2008free week? wherever ? ? ?
24.10.2008? ? Delivery? On the 24th of October you need to deliver your midterm report ?
28.10.2008Alma Culén? Lille auditorium? Chapter 11? Peer review process: review 2 projects, following yours on the web site. Please give constructive comments (some of the material was not covered before the projects were due - use all your knowledge of interaction design to give the most profound comments you have with thought of helping groups improve their performance on the final document.?
04.11.2008Alma Culen? Lille auditorium? Chapter 12? ?
07.11.2008Nil? e-mail? ? Peer review feedback - mid term report?
11.11.2008Jo Herstad? 3A? Chapter 12 and 13? ?
18.11.2008Alma Culén? Lille auditorium? Chapter 15? ?
25.11.2008Jo Herstad, Alma Culén? Lille auditorium? discussion? oportunity to ask questions, discuss topics of your choice, get comments or guidance with your final project?
28.11.2008? ? Delivery? Your final report is due on the 28th of November ?
Publisert 19. aug. 2008 15:27 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2008 12:51