"Wrong" paper. Due to a mistake, the links labeled: Wilson, B.C., & Schrock, S. (2001) "Contributing to Success in an Introductory Computer Science Course" is pointing to Wilson et al (2002) "A Study of Factors Promoting Success in Computer Science Including Gender Differences".
This mistake was discovered less than a month ago and informed about in the lecture at least two times. Since the lectures are mandatory for this course I have expected everyone to have received this message.
Despite the difference in length, the two texts present the same set of data and conclutions - the latter only in more detail. Unfortunately I do not have the 2001-version in electronic format. Please contact the library at Ifi for a copy if you want it, or read the 2002-version linked from the curriculum.
See you all in a short week.
Slides from 1st and 8th of November are unfortunately delayed due to technical problems. They will be posted on Saturday morning. I aplogize for the inconvenience.
Christian Holmboe.
Exam info: The exam will be Dec 2nd. It will be a 3 hour sitting written exam. The questions will be partly addressing the common litterure and partly address the different sets of choice litterature. In the latter case you will get a choice of questions that map to the individual sets of litterature. (i.e. "answer one of these three questions" or "answer any two of these 5 questions" or similar...).
All written and printed material is allowed on the exam. This means that you can bring your book, your collection of papers, notes, slides from lectures, your project report etc etc...
Exam question examples. As an aid in your preparations, you may want to look at the exam questions from last year.
Latex template for the project report can be found at the ACM template pageYou can use any of the formats available on this page.
The complete curriculum list is now uppdated with color coded info on compulsory and elective reading materials for the final exam.
Dead links to papers have been fixed.
The detailed teaching plan has now been updated for all following lectures. You should be pleased to notice that we will end one week earlier than previously announced.
Let me know if you have questions or if you find further dead links or other mistakes.
The collection of papers is unfortunately still sold out. 40 new copies were ordered more than a week ago, but they say we will have to wait another few days until it is ready from the printing.
In the meantime, if you need copies of one of the papers for the lecture on monday, please borrow a book from a fellow student and ask for help with copying at the reception at Ifi.
I am not at Ifi myself, and can therefore not be of any help. I am sorry about this. We had no idea that there would be this many students.
Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Hvis du ikke m?ter eller ikke har f?tt fritak for fremm?te f?r forelesningen, s? mister du plassen p? emnet.
Etteranmelding til emner som eventuelt har ledig kapasitet, kan skje tidligst dagen etter f?rste forelesning i det aktuelle emnet. Opptak gj?res deretter fortl?pende frem til emnet er fullt.