
Published May 26, 2005 8:33 PM

Several people asked me about the oral exams. Here is a brief explanation.

Each group has one half-hour. The first ten minutes are reserved for the project presentation. You will have the Internet available. You may do a Powerpoint presentation or just use your website. It is good if everyone talks a bit, but that is up to you.

The remaining 20 minutes are individual questions and answers. Everyone will have a chance to talk. You are expected to know some basic things about information design which form the core material of the course, such as "What is information design?" and "What is graphic profiling?" The rest of the exam questions will be focused on your personal areas of choice (your personal itinerary).

Learn the basic from the lectures and lecture notes. For more information about Polyscopy read my articles available online under RESOURCES on the course website.

The grade will reflect 50% what you have learned from others and...

Published May 20, 2005 12:34 PM

In our last class meeting Monday, May 23rd, we will see The Corporation, an award-winning documentary.

Published Apr. 28, 2005 2:00 AM

Plese sign up for the oral exam (each group takes the exam together). The directions for handing in the group and the individual project reports are available on our groups website The deadline is May 16. I wish you a successful finish! We need volunteer groups to give 20-minute presentations on May 9. Presenting in the class is fun and a great learning experience. Talk to Rolf or Dino. Regarding the class party - we need some encouraging signals from you if we should put it together.

Published Apr. 6, 2005 2:00 AM

The projects are due May 16. You will be delivering three things: a four-page personal report with itinerary, your project website and your project documentation. The details of formatting and delivery procedure will be provided online.

Each group will take the oral exam jointly. The oral exams are scheduled for week 22 (May 30 – June 3). Online registration will be available soon.

Published Feb. 23, 2005 1:00 AM

Your first individual report is due February 28th at 10a.m. (before the lecture). Write a one to two page description of your 'expedition' and 'itinerary' including Your group name, members and project name What you intend to explore Your own role in the project Your information design-related interests * Your comments, suggestions or questions regarding the ID class so far. The use of the ID topic map is recommended but not required. Paper submissions are preferred. If you are sending email, please specify ID-CLASS as subject.

Published Feb. 11, 2005 1:00 AM

Our Topic Maps Information Design software is practically finished, we are just waiting for some technicalities from IfI Drift to make it operational.

The deadline for creating project groups and handing in the first report (your 'itinerary plan') is extended until February 28th.

Published Jan. 21, 2005 1:00 AM

The course teaching and evaluation forms have been updated (no changes, only specifications).

Published Nov. 12, 2004 1:00 AM

Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Hvis du ikke m?ter eller ikke har f?tt fritak for fremm?te f?r forelesningen, s? mister du plassen p? emnet.

Etteranmelding til emner som eventuelt har ledig kapasitet, kan skje tidligst dagen etter f?rste forelesning i det aktuelle emnet. Opptak gj?res deretter fortl?pende frem til emnet er fullt.
