
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2012Olaf Owe? ? Introduction? Book, chapter 1

Lecture 1

Exercises 1 ClickableDice.java?

25.01.2012Olaf Owe? ? Processes and Threads? Book, chapter 2

Lecture 2

Exercises 2?

27.01.2012? ? ? Hand-Out Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Predefined Eclipse Project?

01.02.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Concurrent Execution? Book, chapter 3

Lecture 3

Exercises for next week: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.2, 3.7 from the book?

03.02.2012? ? ? Assignment 1 due?
08.02.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Shared Objects, Mutual Exclusion? Book, chapter 4

Lecture 4

Exercises for next week: 4.1 to 4.4 from the book?

15.02.2012Olaf Owe? ? Monitors, Semaphores (1)? Book, chapter 5

Lecture 5 part 1

Exercises 5?

17.02.2012? ? ? Hand-Out Assignment 2

Assignment 2?

22.02.2012? ? No lecture? ?
29.02.2012Olaf Owe ? ? Monitors, Semaphores (2) ? Book, chapter 5

Lecture 5 part 2

Exercises 6?

02.03.2012? ? ? Assignment 2 due?
07.03.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Deadlock? Book, chapter 6

Lecture 6

Exercises for next week: 6.1 to 6.4 from the book?

14.03.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Safety and Liveness (1)? Book, chapter 7

Lecture 7 part 1

Exercises for next week: 7.1 to 7.4, 7.6, and 7.5 (optional) from the book ?

21.03.2012Olaf Owe? ? Safety and Liveness (2)? Book, chapter 7

Lecture 7 part 2

Exercises for next week?

28.03.2012Olaf Owe? ? Model-based Design ? Book, chapter 8

Lecture 8

Exercises for next week: 8.1 to 8.3 from the book + optional exercise: Exercises for next week?

11.04.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Message Passing? Book, chapter 10

Lecture 10

Exercises for next week: 10.1 to 10.4 from the book?

13.04.2012? ? ? Hand-Out Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Predefined Eclipse Project?

18.04.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Dynamic Systems? Book, chapter 9

Lecture 9

Exercises for next week: 9.1 to 9.5 from the book?

25.04.2012Olaf Owe? ? Concurrent Architectures ? Book, chapter 11

Lecture 11

Exercises for next week: 11.1 to 11.2 from the book?

27.04.2012? ? ? Assignment 3 due?
02.05.2012Einar Broch Johnsen? ? Timed Systems? Book, chapter 12

Lecture 12

Exercises for next week: 11.1 to 11.5 from the book?

09.05.2012Einar Broch Johnsen, Olaf Owe? ? Final lecture? Lecture 13

In addition: presentation of the course INF3230 by Peter ?lveczky and of the tool Java PathFinder by Volker Stolz?

16.05.2012? ? No lecture? ?
23.05.2012? ? Repetition? Repetition of FSP??
15.06.2012? ? Exam? ?
Published Jan. 18, 2012 6:07 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:01 PM