Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
18.08.2003Naci Akk?k (NAK)? Main (store) auditorium (M.Aud.), informatikkbygningen? Week1/Lecture1 (W1L1): Introduction to the course. Review of essential mathematics.? Week 1, Lecture 1 ?
22.08.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W1L2: Introduction to recursion. Introduction to combinatorial search. Introduction to the Queens: First obligatory term project.? Week 1, Lecture 2

Lecture note on combinatorial search ?

25.08.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W2L1: Generating permutations. Introduction to algorithm analysis.? Week 2, Lecture 1 ?
29.08.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W2L2: Finishing up recursion and mathematics review. Introducing the 1st term project and competition rules!? Week 2, Lecture 2 ?
01.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W3L1: Abstract data types. Lists.? Week 3, Lecture 1 ?
05.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W3L2: Lists. Introduction to stacks and queues? Week 3, Lecture 2 ?
08.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W4L1: More on stacks and queues.? Week 4, Lecture 1 ?
12.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W4L2: Introduction to trees. Binary trees. Introduction to binary search trees.? Week 4, Lecture 2 ?
15.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W5L1: Binary search trees.? Week 5, Lecture 1


(REMEMBER: Obligatory term project #1 due!)?

19.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W5L2: The jury, the demos, the winner and the wine! The best three algorithms (3rd, 2nd and 1st) explained by the winners.? No hand-outs. Winners present their solutions instead!?
22.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W6L1: Binary search trees (continued). Invariants. Hashing.? Week 6, Lecture 1 ?
26.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W6L2: Extendible hashing. B-trees.? Week 6, Lecture 2 ?
29.09.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W7L1: Extendible hashing and B-trees (continued). Introducing priority queues.? Week 7, Lecture 1 ?
03.10.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W7L2: Priority queues (continued). Heap implementation.? Week 7, Lecture 2 ?
06.10.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W8L1: Disjoint sets.? Week 8, Lecture 1

(REMEMBER: Obligatory term project #2 due!)?

10.10.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W8L2: Introduction to graphs. Topological sorting.? Week 8, Lecture 2 ?
13.10.2003Almira Karabeg (AK)? M.Aud.? W9L1: Single source shortest path in unweighted graphs. Single source shortest path in weighted graphs.? Week 9, Lecture 1 ?
17.10.2003AK? M.Aud.? W9L2: Activity graphs. Depth-first search. Finding cycles.? Week 9, Lecture 2 ?
20.10.2003AK? M.Aud.? W10L1: Minimum spanning tree (Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms). All pairs shortest path algorithm (Floyd). Huffman koder.? Week 10, Lecture 1 ?
24.10.2003AK? M.Aud.? W10L2: NP completeness.? Week 10, Lecture 2 ?
27.10.2003AK? M.Aud.? W11L1: Introduction to sorting. Bubble sort. Insertion sort.? Week 11, Lecture 1

(REMEMBER: Obligatory term project #3 due!)?

31.10.2003AK? M.Aud.? W11L2: Sorting continued. Shell sort. Tree sort. heap sort. Quick sort. Merge sort.? Week 11, Lecture 2 ?
03.11.2003AK? M.Aud.? W12L1: Quicksort analysis. Bucket sort. Radix sort. ? Week 12, Lecture 1 ?
07.11.2003AK? M.Aud.? W12L2: Permutation sort. Effects of caching on sorting. Final comments on sorting. Summary of design paradigms.? Week 12, Lecture 2 ?
10.11.2003---? M.Aud.? W13L1: Ingen forelesning! Dagen reservert for oblig. 4 arbeid.? (REMEMBER: Obligatory term project #4 due!)?
14.11.2003NAK? M.Aud.? W13L2: Wrapping it up: Summary of subjects, exam-related information etc.? Ingen handout.?
17.11.2003---? M.Aud.? W14L1: Ingen forelesning! Dagen reservert for lesing og spesielt forberedelse til avsluttende Q&A time.? Ingen handout.?
21.11.2003NAK + AK? M.Aud.? W14L2: Questions and answers.? Ingen hand-out.?
Publisert 27. juni 2003 16:51 - Sist endret 15. sep. 2004 12:20