Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course literature

The lecture notes are found on the main course page.

Geir Dahl: An introduction to convexity, 2009 (or 2004).


  • Chapter 1: all
  • Chapter 2: all
  • Chapter 3: all
  • Chapter 4: all
  • Chapter 5: knowledge to main concepts, results (no proofs)

A. Schrijver: A Course in Combinatorial Optimization, 2008,


  • Chapter 1: 1.1, 1.2 (to p. 10), 1.3, 1.4

G.Dahl and C. Mannino: Notes on combinatorial optimization, 2009.


  • all, except Section 4.3 Lagrangian relaxation

Recommended literature

Robert Vanderbei: Linear programming: Foundations and Extensions, 2001. Textbook for the linear programming course.

Laurence Wolsey: Integer Programming, 1998. Introduction to integer programming - theory and algorithms.

Cook, Cunningham, Pulleyblank, Schrijver: Combinatorial Optimization, 1998. Used as textbook previously.

Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin: Network flows, 1993. Complete coverage of network flow, many applications.

Reinhard Diestel: Graph Theory, 2005. Introduction to graph theory with free downloadable version.

Other literature

Boyd og Vandenberge: Convex optimization, 2004. Convex optimization without theorems, many applications.

Nemhauser og Wolsey: Integer and combinatorial optimization, 1999. The reference for integer programming theory.

Nocedal og Wright: Numerical Optimization, 2006. Algorithms (and theory) for linear and non-linear optimization.

Bowdoin: The Basics of Practical Optimization, 2008. Gentle introduction to non-linear optimization.

Published Apr. 2, 2009 3:01 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2009 9:46 AM