The exam will take place on June 19 — more details as well as detailed syllabus will be available soon.
I edited the plan for the lecures last week and unfortunately the result did not work well in Firefox. I have now tried to fix it and hope the simpler table works in all browsers. A detailed syllabus list will be published here very soon.
The text for assignment 4 is available. Deadline April 25.
The text for assignment 3 is now available. The deadline is the lecture on April 4.
The text for assignment 2 is now available.
Since the course will be taught in English, the content of these web pages will also be in English.
Note that the problems for the first compulsory assignment have been published, look at the left.
Velkommen til MAT-INF 1100 v?ren 2008!
Foreleser er Knut M?rken, men f?rste forelesning vil bli gitt av Michael Floater.
Merk at kurset er satt opp med tre forelesningstimer, men normalt vil vi bare bruke de to f?rste timene.